Tuesday, January 26, 2010

0 How To Make Green Dragon Drink

Green Dragon is an alcoholic THC drink which is brewed by going through heating and distilling processes.
You can use Green Dragon to 'spike'  your own drinks, food or even bud!

NOTE: This is some powerful shit!

You will need:

- Weed
- 150% proof alcohol or higher
- Vapourizer / oven
- A bottle
- A siv

Activating the weed

The chemical bonds of the THC must be broken.

There are several methods of doing this one of which is quickly firing it up in your vaporizer for a few seconds with out smoking it.

Or just crisp it up in the oven for 10 minutes on 200 farenheit.


As long as it has a high alcohol content you can use it. I use 95% cooking alcohol, another nice alcohol to use would bacardi 150 proof.

Place the buds in the alcohol in a bottle, i use 1 shot of alcohol per gram of bud.


Store the juice is a warm dark place for a minimum of 6 weeks, shaking it every so often to loosen all that THC.


When it's ready, it should be a dark green colour and smell of herbal vodka.
Siv out the bud.

NOTE: Do not exceed consumption as the alcohol content is of a dangerous level.

2 Shots will knock you flat out and get you pretty high, otherwise experiment mixing the green dragon juice with other drinks and make a nice cocktail out of it.


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