Sunday, January 17, 2010

0 How to make an Apple Bong

The apple bong is good for so many reasons;

- Don't have a bong?!
- Missing a piece of your bong?!
- Have no rizla?!
- Need some extra flavour in you bong hit?!

If the answer to any of the above is yes and you don't have a bong or rolling paper available, this is the perfect opportunity to go for an apple bong.

To make the marijuana apple pipe you will need:

-An apple!
-Some nice buds of marijuana
-A knife / screwdriver
-A lighter

1. Take the stalk out of the top of the apple as this divet is going to act as the bowl. If it's a big enough bowl for you, use the knife to carve out a bigger bowl.

2. Poke the screwdriver through the 'bowl' until it penetrates about halfway through the apple. This is the pipe.

3. Poke another hole in a similar fashion through the side of the apple until it meets the end of your first hole, as shown in the picture. This will be the pipe you smoke through.

4. Put some fat nugz of weed in the divet, light and smoke.

Enjoy some of the fruity flavoured weed smoke!


You can fabricate an apple to hold a spliff and create an 'Apple Spliff Bong'.

Use this tutorial and the how to roll a joint tutorial, put 2 and 2 together and you will end up with this . . .

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