Sunday, November 7, 2010

0 The Cigarette Box Game

the cigarette box game game requires all your stoner concentration.

The aim of the game is to stand the cigarette box up using only one finger. Before the game begins each player will stake their bet i.e a cigarette, some weed or a bong hit.

To play this game you will need a stoned ass friend, 2 cigarette boxes and a lighter.
To play the cigarette box game:

- Place your stakes in the middle of the table

- Place your cig box infront of you flat on the table

- On 'go' use one finger only to try and flick your cigarette box into a standing position.

- The first person to do this wins the 'pot!'

The pictures show the starting and finishing positions of the cigarettes boxes.

Once you have mastered this game try playing it with cigarettes!

Monday, November 1, 2010

1 Cannabis Caviar

If you are ever having a classy party with some astute guests, you will need to serve caviar.

Here is a recipe for how to make cannabis caviar / Honeybud.

- Firstly, grind up some heavy skunk weed buds.

- Next, roll your ground up buds in some THC oil.

- Finally powder your extra sticky buds with some kief.

- Roll a fat spliff or fill a bong with the expensive mix of caviar and hit it hard!

Monday, October 18, 2010

0 How to blow fat donut smoke rings

If you smoke weed or a hookah here is a cool little trick to pull off that will impress your friends.

Blowing monster smoke rings is simple all you need is a toilet or kitchen roll.

All you need to do is:

- Take a drag from your bong and begin exhaling the smoke slowly through the kitchen roll until it starts seeping out of the end.

- Once the smoke starts to appear start exhaling short, sharp, light breathes and massive smoke donuts will begin to float out! Voila

0 How to blow a smoke star

This is the new cool smoking trick to pull off at a session.

To blow a smoke star:

- Blow a smoke ring (How to blow smoke rings tutorial)

- When you smoke ring is floating slowly put your hand toward the back of the ring and swiftly pull your hand back away from the smoke ring.

The gust from pulling your hand back should have an impact on the smoke ring transforming it into a smoke star.

Check out this short clip of how to blow a smoke star:

0 Deep fried weed

Known as deep fried dank, these two stoner covered the tip of a white rhino plant in egg and bread crumbs to make the most awesome deep fried snack.

Check out the video . . .

0 How to roll a hash oil joint

Here is how to roll a hash oil joint.

Firstly you will need:

- Hash oil
- Rolling Paper
- Weed
- Cooking alcohol (90% +)

- To roll this special joint you will need to mix some hash oil in with the alcohol to dissolve it a little and get a more pasty consistency. This is because we are going to pain the rolling paper with the mixture.

- Paint the paper with your mixture and have a joint while you wait for it to dry. (It must dry properly)

- Once the rolling paper is dry, grind your weed up and roll a fat joint.

- Smoke it and be merry!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

0 £10 Acrylic Double Chamber Bong

This double chamber slider bong gives you as good a smoke as it looks. At 13cm x 13cm it's a nice little pocket size bong.

This could be your cheeky little pinch hitter for only £10!

Acrylic Double Chamber Bong

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

0 What are the benefits of marijuana

Although there are two sides to this argument i would like to share the positive side of smoking marijuana.
There are several legitimate medical conditions for which cannabis is a great remedy/painkiller like fibromyalgia, migraines, insomnia, post surgery, slipped discs etc. This article is not geared toward the medical side of marijuana and rather the pros of recreational use of cannabis.

The positive mental effects of cannabis:

1. Marijuana allows your mind to think in a different light, from a different perspective and can help you concentrate more intensely on the subject you are thinking of. (i.e some of the greatest inventors and physicists were potheads)

2. Marijuana can relax you if you suffer from anxiety attacks.

3. If you suffer from depression then not only cannabis can help but the social element of a pot smoking circle can have a positive social effect on you.

The positive physical effects of cannabis:

1. If you have trouble sleeping, smoking marijuana can help you get sleep and is regularly, legitimately prescribed by doctors to patients that have trouble sleeping or suffer from insomnia to help them get 40 winks.

2. When high on weed you enjoy everything more like sex, music and munching. This point also stands for the positive mental effects. You appreciate smaller elements of everyday routines from the scent of food to things as extreme as the taste of water.

There is more to come on this subject . . . Please comment

Monday, October 11, 2010

1 The Best Places To Smoke Weed

Here is a list of the most common places to have a pot smoking session

1. The car

So many people smoking in the moving room for reasons such as:

 - No smoking in the house
 - You are already halfway to picking up more weed or munch
 - Hotboxing the car

2. A shed

Smoking sheds are quite common and a very chilled place to smoke some ganja. The best things about smoking in sheds are:

 - No smoking in the house
 - Hotboxing the shed
 - Privacy
 - No need to keep it clean
 - It can be decorated however you please

3. The Park

On a nice sunny day there is nothing better than heading down to the park with a football and some bud, finding a nice patch of grass and just getting high. why?

 - Enjoy your high in some nice weather
 - Open space to run around in
 - Feed the ducks some brownies ;)

4. The Beach

How picturesque it is to have a smoke on the beach. The wind, the sea, the sun and the girls create a great atmosphere to enjoy a nice long session. Add a little music and a frisbee to the equation and you have a memorable day out.

5. The cellar
There is something comforting about chilling having a smoke in a cellar. Underground, you are protected from the elements in a little cocoon.  That 70's show had it right!

6. The Bath

The bathtub must be the most chilled out place to smoke weed. Fiil the tub up, pour some bubbles in, roll a fatty and sink into that silky, steamy pot of water chilled as sloth on sleeping pills.

I think i have covered the best of the weed smoking session spots, if you think i have missed out any please comment.

Happy Smoking

Saturday, October 9, 2010

1 Bong Smoking Game

If you and your stoner circle like to rip your bongs then this is the game for you!

The aim of the bong smoking game is to smoke the weed in your bong quicker than everyone in the circle can.

The prize: Before the game, everybody puts there bit towards a joint to be rolled by the winner.

How to play the bong game:

1. After putting your bit of weed in for the winners spliff, everybody participating in the game should pack a nice fat bowl.

2. Once the bowls have been packed someone says "3, 2, 1 toke!"

3. The first person to finish burning the contents of their bowl wins.

4. The winner rolls the joint, sparks that doobie and shares it with the losing friends!

This is a very fun smoking game guaranteed to get you high as hell!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

2 Tips & Tricks To Improve A Bong Hit

Here are a few tips i'd like to share with you to ensure that you get a decent hit from your bong.

- To ensure a nice fresh hit, keep your bong chilled in a fridge to ensure a nice cool, fresh hit (do not put a glass bong in the freezer as it may well crack).

- Twist your bowl in tightly to ensure an air tight seal for a more direct bong hit and ensure the gasket isn't broken.

- Change the bong water every session.

- Pack your bowl tightly with bud and poke a hole through the middle with a toothpick so the bud burns well and the smoke has a direct route through the bong.

- If you lose the rubber grommet from your bong you can use an elastic band or blue-tack to seal up the gap.

- Clean your bong regularly

0 Cannabis Pizza Recipe

Weed pizza is a very simple recipe!

As we all know THC is fat soluble and to our luck cheese contains some nice greasy oil to break down the THC in our bud.

To make cannabis pizza you will need:

 - Frozen pizza
 - Weed
 - Cheese

Simply grind up a couple of grams of weed on to your frozen pizza, sprinkle plenty of cheese over the weed so it is trapped between the frozen pizza layer of cheese and your layer of cheese.

Rather than cook the cannabis pizza for 10 minutes on 200 celsius (like you would normally), cook the weed pizza for about 20 minutes on 150 celsius.

You will know its done because the top of the cheese will be starting to crisp-en and the whole neighborhood will smell that dank!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

0 Baby Bottle Bong

If they cry, let them fry! If you want your kids to remain as articulate as they are now when they are older - then you feed them through this baby.
Suckling at the tit of some chronic nugz will be sure to calm them down and give you a little more peace to hit your own piece.

Another Brilliant bong

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

0 Weed Leaf Joint

I found this picture while trawling It must have taken a real pro joint roller a lot of time and effort to roll a joint like this.
If anyone has a tutorial on how to roll a spliff like this, please share!

What a beauty of a joint!

Monday, September 20, 2010

0 How to make hash brownies

Here is a basic recipe for making super awesome, effective and tasty hash brownies.

To make weed brownies you will need to follow my tutorial on how to make cannabutter unless you have some cannabutter handy.

To make hash brownies you will need:

Brownie mix :

 - 1/2 cup of cannbutter
 - 1 cup of sugar
 - 2 eggs
 - 1/2 cup flour
 - 1 tsp vanilla extract
 - 1/4 tsp salt
 - 1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
 - 1/4 tsp baking powder

Icing mix:

 - 3 tbsp cannabutter
 - 1 tbsp honey
 - 1/2 cup sugar
 - 1 tsp vanilla extract
 - 3 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
 -  1/8 cup of milk

    Recipe for making hash cakes:

     - Heat the oven to 175 degrees celcius and grease a baking tray.

     - Melt the cannabutter by heating it in a saucepan. Then add all the brownie mix ingredients, mix it all up and pour it into the baking tray.

     -  Bake the brownies for about 10 - 15 minutes but don't over do it.

     -  Mix all the icing mix in a saucepan over a flame until thick and creamy. Pour the icing over the hash brownies while they are still hot.

     - Leave the hash brownies to set and cool down a bit before chopping them up and serving them.

    Voila Hash cakes

    Saturday, September 18, 2010

    0 Weed Smoothie Recipe

    The first issue with making a weed smoothie is that the THC in the weed must be broken activated by fat.

    So If you have followed my tutorials on how to make green dragon or cannabutter you will not need to follow step one of the weed smoothie recipe and just replace the weed peanut butter with either of the above and follow the rest of the recipe.


    1. Weed
    2. Summer fruits of your choice (mango and strawberry)
    3. Ice cream (vanilla 2 scoops)
    4. Milk (2 cups)
    5. Peanut butter
    6. ice


    1. Oven
    2. Foil
    3. A pan
    4. Blender
    5. A straw

    Recipe for mango, strawberry and weed smoothie/milkshake

    1. Mix the weed with the peanut butter  on a ration of 1 gram to 1/4 cup of peanut butter. Place this mixture in the pan and seal the pan with the foil. Place it in the over on 200 degrees celsius for 25 minutes. This will emulsify you weed and voila you have weed peanut butter.

    2. Place the fruit, ice cream, milk, ice and canna-peanut-butter into the blender. Blend the mixture.

    3. Stick a straw and if available a cocktail umbrella in it. Drink it and wait for it . . . .

    This recipe can be used for making chocolate milkshakes, and other delicious cannabis based drinks.


    Thursday, September 16, 2010

    0 How to stop pulling whitey when smoking weed

    It's happened to most of us and regularly occurs to some smokers after having a joint or two. The feeling of nausea, thoughts racing through your mind, the shivering and the pale complexion.

    Here is the answer to the age old question how to stop being sick from weed?

    To stop a pulling a whitey:

    1. Find a quite spot without distraction so you can relax, make sure it's quite private as you may well fall asleep here :)

    2. Drink fruit juice or eat a piece of fruit as vitamin C has been shown to bring down your high. (An apple usually does the trick of stopping you from being high.)

    3. Drink water to flush out the THC from your bloodstream.

    4. The main thing is to just try and relax and your high will pass with time.

    Tuesday, September 14, 2010

    0 What is the most effective way to smoke weed?

    I have been asked this question time and time again and if you are reading this you are wondering the answer too.
    There are several different ways to smoke weed and several different forms of weed to smoke.

    You may think the straight forward answer to this question is just to vaporize but this is not always the best option as you don't really want to vaporize hash oil or THC crystals.

    Lets analyze each form of mary jane and test each one against the 5 main types of smoking weed.

    This is naturally the least effective way to smoke skunk as the weed is mixed with tobacco before being rolled up in the paper. This in effect dilutes the weed limiting the amount you can put in a joint. However honey oil, hash and THC crystals can be mixed in spliff giving the joint an advantage over other contenders.

    This is a quick one hitter and depending on how many you smoke or how big the bowl is on your pipe, although you are smoking pure bud you will still get a similar high from a spliff. You can smoke hash in a pipe aswell but it must be mixed with tobacco so that the hash burns properly. What brings this method down even more is the fact you can't really put oil or crystals in it.

    This is a nice way to smoke skunk. Whether you mix your skunk with tobacco or not a solid hitting bong taken down in one draw gives you a nice rush from taking suck a deep toke. This high is more to do with replacing the 30 seconds of air you would breathe with weed. Just like the pipe the bong also misses out on honey oil and crystals which lowers it's contention for the ultimate weed smoking tool. But mix some hash and skunk together in an ice bong from Roor and you'll be chillin'.

    Grab a flavoured tobacco leaf, stuff it with as much chronic as you can, take a hit and blow out a thick yellow cloud of smoke. This is the way to enjoy your weed. Undiluted by tobacco, this method gives you a pure hit of bud making it more effective than a spliff. Unfortunately hash cannot be smoked this way unless mixed in with weed and made as a cocktail in which case it's AWESOME! You can also lace the blunt with hash oil or crystals which gives it another advantage over pipes and bongs and making it the best way of smoking weed.

    This method of smoking is renowned for being the most effective as it just heats up the trichomes in the bud for your enjoyment and leaves the rest of the bud and side effects intact leaving you a pure hit of heavenly smoke.
    Unfortunately they are not designed for use with hash, oil or crystals as these are already purer forms of weed.

    In conclusion the most effective way of smoking Bud is in a vaporizer but if you have any two of the above ingredients (weed, hash, oil, crystals) roll it all up in a blunt wrap for the full effects.


    Saturday, September 11, 2010

    0 How to buy a vaporizer

    So you have decided that vaporizing is the most effective and healthiest way of burning your buds but have no idea where to start when buying one.

    We shall start this article with the question - What is a Vaporizer?

    A vaporizer is usually electric and the process it uses to give you such a nice his is vaporization. Vaporization is a process that occurs when the bud is heated not to it's burning point but to a temperature in which the THC crystals in the marijuana turn into a very thin vapour. This vapour is then inhaled by the pothead just like they would a bong hit, leaving the ganja bud intact and saving the smoker from inhaling other elements of the bud.

    Why is a vaporizer more effective and healthier?

    - It removes tar and carcinogens from your smoke
    - There is no need to mix your bud with tobacco
    - There are less side effects (cotton mouth etc)
    - It is a cleaner high without all the other elements of the bud involved

    These are just a few of the pros of using a vaporizer.

    So how do i choose the right vaporizer for me?


    The first issue when buying anything is the price. Typically you want to spend around £50/$80 on a decent working vaporizer that will last you a while. if price is an issue you can pick up a Vapbong
    If you are looking for a more high end vaporizer like a volcano, then you can spend anything from £100 up to around £500.


    This next issue deals with how easy the vaporizer is to use. Make sure you look into how easy the vaporizer is to:

    - set up
    - clean
    - Electricity source / battery power
    - Timing it takes for the vaporizer to heat up your bud

    Try and find one thats the least awkward for you to use.


    You must also decide whether you want a pocket sized little one hitter, a mammoth Vape that has it's own place at the dinner table or a standard portable one that you can move around with you. The 'iolite' is a good example of a portable vaporizer for the cheeky hitter. This will set you back £150. A 'volcano' will become the new idol of your living room or you could keep a standard 'blue meanie' in your car.

    What ever you decide shop around first and ask as many questions as you want to your friends or at your local headshop.

    Smoke up

    Friday, August 20, 2010

    0 Hash Pressers & Pollen Pressers

    If you are a serious hash smoker and have been looking fro something special to do with the THC rich weed crystals you have collected from your crystal sifter grinder.

    hash pressers allow you to not only store the collected crystals and dust but enables you to enclose and compact them in a high pressured clamp, turning them into a solid block of super crystal hash.

    Simply place all the crystal dust into the hash presser chamber, then place the weight on top followed by screwing in the clamp until the weed is compact into a solid block.

    Buy a hash presser here.

    0 Vortex Gravity Bongs

    Claiming 2nd place in the best product category for high times 2006, the Vortex Gravity Bong uses gravity to displace water from one chamber to the next, pulling through a dense cloud of weed smoke for you to hit hard.

    Here is how it works in detail:

    These bongs are available to buy for £65 from

    Here is a video of a super hot chick showing you how to vortex:

    2 Weed Grinders

    A good herb grinder is a weed smoking necessity and if you are going to buy a grinder start your research here as there are many bud grinders available on the market.

    To roll a good joint you must ensure that the bud is ground up well, to the same consistency as the tobacco it is mixed with. To accomplish this two things must be kept in mind:

    1. The weed shouldn't be too wet otherwise it will mush up rather than grind out.
    2. The grinder should be sharp, sturdy and kept clean so that it dosn't jam.

    Here are a few of the types of Herbal grinders to consider:

    Crystal Catcher

    The crystal sifter is the grand daddy of all grinders. These grinders are generally made of tough steel and therefore are a sturdy and solid choice to grind your bud. But wait! There's more! There are 3 tiers to this grinder. The first to grind the bud, the second to catch the ground up bud and the 3rd to siv out all the THC rich crystals.

    Tip: Get a magnetic one to make grinding easier.

    Weed Grater

    The next item on the grinder to buy list is the bud grater. This is a neat little tool to have even if you already have a grinder. It's easy to carry around as it clips on to a generic pack of large skins. Just rub the weed on the grater and it grinds up quite well, not as well as a grinder but for something that you will always have around it does the job.

    Acrylic Grinder

    Acrylic grinders are not the most effective or reliable of grinders but they get the job done and are cheap to buy. They are good to have lying around but break easily and the blades blunt very quickly when compared to a metal grinder.
    They are available with magnets but if you want a decent grinder i suggest going with a steel one.

    Electric Herb Grinder

    From my experience with electric bud grinders, unless the weed is very dry these grinders are pretty useless. Whack your bud in, press a button and bang your bud should in theory be ground into a fine mix. Although they take the effort of grinding the bud away i wouldn't suggest buying a £5 electric grinder.
    However there is a big boy on the market called the Easyleaf Elctric Herb Grinder and this bad boy does it all. It grinds the herb into the finest powder and makes a quick job of grinding.

    There are plenty of other grinders available on the market. Wooden ones, spherical ones and novelty ones. They can all be found here:

    Thursday, August 19, 2010

    1 Rolling paper

    There are several elements to rolling a perfect joint the main one being the skill of the roller but to make the joint rolling experience as efficient, easy and enjoyable as possible you must have the right materials to roll a good spliff.

    Rolling paper

    The market is flooded with all types of rolling paper from Super fine rizla to rolls of fruity flavoured skins. Each type of rolling paper has it's own qualities for rolling different types of joints.

    Paper Rolls - Paper rolls are much wider than run of the mill rolling papers, this is to help you roll long/novelty joints as you could roll an infinitely long joint with these rolls.
    Do not go over the top when deciding how long you want to make your spliff as if it is too long it will naturally flop over. Rolls are used instead of sticking loads of rizlas together to create a large joint.
    You need a lot of weed to make a joint out of some roll. Remember to fold the paper before rolling.

    Fruity flavoured skins - These are a perfect companion for weed. These skins add some fruity flavour to your smoke and licking your lips afterwards is the icing on the cake. These papers are quite thick but this makes them all the more delightful to roll with. Licking the gumi bit is the best bit.

    Blunt wraps - Blunt wraps are the best way to smoke a joint. There is no need for mixing your bud with tobacco with these babies. Just grinds up a couple of grams of bud and roll it up in the processed tobacco leaf. They burn down evenly  so it won't pull a sidey (canoe). Add a little more flavour to your joint with flavoured blunt wraps.
    These are best kept in a fridge and as they are damp take care when rolling as so not to tear them.

    Pre-rolled cones - I must admit that i have never used or had the need to use them but if you lack the skill to roll the perfect joint, then these will accomplish that for you. Just fill the cone with your weed and tobacco mix, twist and enjoy.

    Tips on rolling paper

    There are many rolling papers on the market and you must experience each one for yourself before deciding which you prefer the most.
     - Thick Rizlas are good for beginner rollers as the thick papers takes a cone shape much more easily than the thin ones.
     - A good gumi is needed to insure the spliff doesn't fall apart. Most rolling sheets use 'Gum arabic' which is reliable.
     - For longer joints thicker/wider paper is required for sustainability.
     - Mix the tobacco and marijuana well before rolling it for an evenly rolled joint.

    Roach paper

    The roach serves several purposes in the joint:

     - It hold the shape and integrity of the joint
     - The roach stops tobacco or bits of weed being sucked through when you take a drag.
     - It prevents you from burning your lips when taking a hit.

    The roach should be between half and 3/4 of an inch long for a standard spliff and should be rolled between your hands for a perfectly circular result.

    Rather than roll a regular roach try rolling an 'M roach' to prevent sucking spliff debris through when taking a hit.

    Tuesday, July 20, 2010

    0 Trick on how to combat a soar throat when smoking weed

    This smoking trick is designed for people that either have a soar throat or cough a lot from smoking pot as the thick herb smoke tickles their throat.

    Here are a few ways of how to prevent coughing when smoking weed:

    - Soar throat spray (numbs your throat)
    - Suck on Ricolla or a Strepsil to soothe your throat
    - Suck on a piece of ice
    - Although i hate to say it - put less weed in your joint/bong as it may be too harsh for you

    Hopefully one of these methods will help stop you coughing when smoking and prevent you from getting a soar throat from smoking weed.

    0 Smoking trick 15: Poppin' the cherry

    Popping the cherry is not as weird as smoking trick as it sounds.

    To perform this smoking trick, firstly follow this tutorial on how to blow a smoke ring.

    The trick of poppin the cherry is simply to blow a smoke ring then quickly blow another one with a little more power to penetrate the original smoke ring.

    There are several factors to making this trick impress, these require practice to improve:

    1. Practice blowing different sized rings. This is because your first smoke ring should be big enough for the second ring to penetrate.
    2. Practice blowing your smoke ring with different power behind them.
    3. Practice aiming your smoke rings as you will have to aim one right in the middle of its predecessor.
    4. Keep the integrity of each smoke ring. This is the most important aspect of blowing smoke rings otherwise they will look crap.

    Finally practice make perfect. Once you get any good try and blow 3 smoke rings through each other successively.

    0 Smoking Trick 14: Double smoke ring

    The double smoke ring is definitely my favourite weed smoking trick at the moment.

    How to blow a double smoke ring

    1. Follow my tutorial on how to blow a smoke ring.

    2. Put your finger in the middle of your mouth touching both lips, as a partition.

    3. Blow smoke rings as usual.

    Here is a video to show you how to blow double smoke rings, although the star of the movie isn't the best . . .

    Monday, July 19, 2010

    0 The Ultimate Chocolate Weed Recipe

    This is the recipe for some awesome chocolate weed!

    I'd like to start by saying that fortunately this recipe does not involve making chocolate form scratch. This is a very simple weed chocolate recipe and enables you to make your favourite chocolate and favourite marijuana strain into a single tasty ganja snack.


    - 150 gram bar of your favourite chocolate (i prefer the thickness of Galaxy chocolate)
    - An eighth of some top weed
    - A saucepan full of boiling water
    - A glass bowl

    Method for making the ultimate Weed Chocolate:

    1. Grind all the weed up.
    2. Boil the saucepan of water on the stove and leave on a low light to keep it hot.
    3. Place the glass bowl on top of the saucepan and put your favourite chocolate inside it.
    4. Once the chocolate begins to melt, add the ground up marijuana and stir it until the weed is well mixed into the chocolate.
    5. Using oven gloves (the glass bowl is hot) lift the bowl and pour the contents into an ice cube tray to shape the chocolate.
    6. Refrigerate the chocolate until it is solid.
    7. Store in a cool dry place in tin foil.

    This is such a simple recipe, do not try and take short cuts like microwaving or boiling the chocolate directly on the stove otherwise it will burn.

    Enjoy your chocolate weed :)

    0 Grass - The greatest Weed Smoking Game Ever!

    Grass - The Card Game

    This is not a weed smoking game per-say and you don't have to be a pothead to appreciate it.
    If you like 'dope wars' and 'top trumps' this is the game for you.

    The game is for 2-6 people and everyone plays a weed dealer facing competition from other dealers, government harassment and more.

    Although this game is a little tricky to pick up, not a single person that i have played it with has not enjoyed it.

    This game is a must for any weed smokers.

    Here are the rules

    0 Weed Smoking Game - Subject Matters

    The game is played in the same way as On Word Pass
    One Word Pass requires each person in the stoner circle, to take a hit a blurt out a word.

    The game begins when a subject is decided i.e 'Car makes'. (Whomever rolls the joint decides the subject)
    The first person takes a hit and says 'ferrari', passes the joint to the next person who must say a different car make.

    The rules for this pot smoking game are as follows:

    - You must say your word before exhaling the weed smoke.
    - You must not repeat a previously said word in the round.
    - If you break either rule, you miss out on your turn to take a hit of the joint.

    Sunday, July 18, 2010

    1 Fruit Cocktail Hookah

    The Ultimate Fruit Cocktail Shisha

    This is an old favourite hookah recipe of mine and involves - yes you guessed it fruit!
    If you want to add an edge generic shisha smoking session then this is one way to make it more exciting and tasty.
    It a more herbal way of shisha smoking if you will.

    Here is one recipe for making fruit shisha:

    You will need:

     - A shisha (this would help a great deal)
     - Some funky, fruity shisha tobacco (Al Fakhr & Starbuzz have a wild range of really fruity, tasty tobacco)
     - A sealed piece of fruit ( Something with a waterproof 'sealed' skin like an nectarine, orange, guava or anything that has a strong fruity flavour as you want to taste it when you take a drag of the hookah)
     - A knife, A kebab stick, rubber gumi, foil & coal.

    Making the ultimate fruit cocktail shisha:

    1. Cut a bowl shaped section out of the top of the fruit, about the same size as a shisha bowl. Then cut a smaller 1cm hole on the opposite side so that the rubber gumi from the top of the shisha fits snugly and air tight inside the fruit.

    2. Poke some thick half centimeter holes into the bowl shape you have cut out in the fruit and make sure they penetrate all the way through to the hole on the opposite side.

    3. By now if you have followed my vague instructions and used some common sense you should have what appears to be a shisha bowl made of a piece of fruit. Fill it with some fruity shisha tobacco, cover it with a double layer of tin foil and poke holes in the foil like you normally would.

    4. Make sure you shisha is set up correctly and the base is filled with some tropical fruit juice and ice to add to the intense fruity experince, whack some hookah coals on.

    5. Enjoy

    0 How to clean your Hookah

    I have a systematic method which i regularly use to clean my shisha. The more often you clean it, the less effort you will have to put into cleaning it.

    To clean your shisha you will need:

     - A Pipe cleaner
     - A hot tap/faucet
     - Washing up liquid

    How to clean your shisha:

    1. After you have dismantled your hookah i like to start by emptying the water from the base and filling it with a mixture of washing up liquid and boiling water. Leave that to soak throughout the rest of the process.

    2. Secondly, clean all the extras in soapy water. This includes: the tobacco bowl, the  pipe tray, the tongs, the gumis and leave them to dry throughout the rest of the process.

    3. Rinse the main pipe through with hot water under a sink. I use my bathtub as it's the only place my shish fits underneath. Next squirt some washing up liquid down the pipe and start thrusting the pipe cleaner down the shisha pipe. Rinse the pipe and the pipe cleaner and keep repeating until there is no more dirt inside the pipe. You will be able to see by looking through the pipe if there is any dirt left. Rinse it out and stand it up to dry.

    4. Now back to the base bowl of the shisha, shake it violently as you empty it. Rinse and repeat. If the stale smell persists in the base of the hookah restart step 1 with something a little stronger than washing up liquid i.e oven cleaner.

    5. Rinse and re-rinse the hose as much as possible. But remember this piece needs replacing the most out of the whole shisha.

    6. Finally fill your hookah base up with some ice cold water, put your shisha back together, set one up and enjoy a nice CLEAN hit.

    0 Tips & Tricks for making a Shisha

    Tips & Tricks for making a Shisha

    1. Clean your shisha regularly and change the water as soon as the colour of it starts changing. It is extremely unhealthy to smoke a hookah full of rust, ash, molasses and the rest of the crap that builds up in there and secondly it ruins the taste of the shisha. Take pride in your shisha.

    2. Use a plastic pipe rather than the metal ones, this is because the metal shisha pipes become easily corroded and blocked up. They are also more expensive to replace than the plastic hookah pipes. Replace you old pipe as regular as necessary.

    3. Filling the base you should normally fill it up to about 20% of the way up the water pipe.  Remember that the water pipe must be immersed in the water but do not overfill otherwise you will get water into the hose you are sucking from.
    You can add some flavour to your shisha bowl. Rather than fill it with water, use fruit juice, schnapps, ice, a mixture or anything you desire. Milk is also a good option to fill the base with.

    4. If your tobacco is a little dry or you want it to last longer with thicker smoke then mix in either molasses or honey. Even flavoured honey can change the taste of your shisha tobacco.

    5. Using a smaller head bowl saves you a lot of tobacco rather than emptying a big one after every coal.

    6. Use a double layer of foil when setting up the shisha so that the tobacco dosen't get too hot and makes the shisha 'coaly'.

    Wednesday, February 17, 2010

    0 Rolling a joint with a dollar bill / £5 note

    For beginner smokers out there struggling to roll a perfect spliff, good news!
    This method works like a rolling machine that does all the work for you except you dont have to lug around an awkward rolling machine, you just whip a dollar bill out of your wallet.

    How to roll a joint with a dollar bill:

    1. Make your weed/tobacco mix.

    2. Fold up about an inch of the end of your dollar bill. Depending on the size of your rolling paper either fold it length ways or width ways.

    3. Fill that little crevis you made with the marijuana mix and begin rolling it into a joint shape.

    4. Once you have the shape forming start to slide the paper in behind the mix and begin rolling it. If you follow the video posted here it will make sense how the dollar bill does all the work for you when rolling the joint.

    5. Once the spliff has rolled itself, pull it out, lick it and stick it.

    6. If nescacery roll a roach and stick it in the end.


    Friday, February 5, 2010

    0 What does 420 mean, and where does it originate?

    The subject of where 420 originates from is quite controversial.

    Myths & Rumors of 420 origins

    - Some say that 420 is a police code for weed.
    - Some people say that 420 is the number of chemicals found in marijuana but in reality it's around 100 less that that.
    - There are also the rumors that 4:20 is tea time in Holland when everyone sparks up a doobie.

    420 History

    According to a High times article, the term 420 originated in 1971 at San Rafael High School. A gang of about 12 people called the Waldos used to meet up daily for a smoke. They would say 420 to each other which is the time they planned to meet up at the statue on campus of Louis Pasteur. This 'secret' code for getting high spread among the generation of people who must be pushing 60 by now.
    When interviewed by high times they quoted "We did discover we could talk about getting high in front of our parents without them knowing by using the phrase 420." 


    The pot heads favourite number 420, originally invented by the Waldos as a secret code for getting high has grown into an internationally recognised symbol for the great herb.
    - The 20th of April 4/20 is now national weed day
    - 420 magazine is one of the most popular pot smokers magazines in the world.
    - Many people around the world try and keep up the tradition of sparking up some ganja at 4:20pm, daily.

    Thursday, February 4, 2010

    0 Weed Smoking Game: One Word Pass

    We all know how to play puff puff pass or even Puff Puff Keep.

    If you don't know by now you simply; take two tokes of your joint and pass it to the left, hold the smoke in until the joint makes it round the stoner circle back to you which is when you exhale and start again.

    How to play one word pass

    - The first person takes a drag of the spliff and says one word to start the story e.g '''once''
    - Then while holding the smoke  in they will pass it to the next person who will take a toke of the joint and continue e.g ''upon''
    - You may only exhale once the joint has been passed to you.
    - This continues round the circle until there is only one person left holding the smoke in.

    This weed smoking game is guaranteed to end in intense laughter (and coughing).
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