Tuesday, September 21, 2010

0 Weed Leaf Joint

I found this picture while trawling http://waytoomany.com. It must have taken a real pro joint roller a lot of time and effort to roll a joint like this.
If anyone has a tutorial on how to roll a spliff like this, please share!

What a beauty of a joint!

Monday, September 20, 2010

0 How to make hash brownies

Here is a basic recipe for making super awesome, effective and tasty hash brownies.

To make weed brownies you will need to follow my tutorial on how to make cannabutter unless you have some cannabutter handy.

To make hash brownies you will need:

Brownie mix :

 - 1/2 cup of cannbutter
 - 1 cup of sugar
 - 2 eggs
 - 1/2 cup flour
 - 1 tsp vanilla extract
 - 1/4 tsp salt
 - 1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
 - 1/4 tsp baking powder

Icing mix:

 - 3 tbsp cannabutter
 - 1 tbsp honey
 - 1/2 cup sugar
 - 1 tsp vanilla extract
 - 3 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
 -  1/8 cup of milk

    Recipe for making hash cakes:

     - Heat the oven to 175 degrees celcius and grease a baking tray.

     - Melt the cannabutter by heating it in a saucepan. Then add all the brownie mix ingredients, mix it all up and pour it into the baking tray.

     -  Bake the brownies for about 10 - 15 minutes but don't over do it.

     -  Mix all the icing mix in a saucepan over a flame until thick and creamy. Pour the icing over the hash brownies while they are still hot.

     - Leave the hash brownies to set and cool down a bit before chopping them up and serving them.

    Voila Hash cakes

    Saturday, September 18, 2010

    0 Weed Smoothie Recipe

    The first issue with making a weed smoothie is that the THC in the weed must be broken activated by fat.

    So If you have followed my tutorials on how to make green dragon or cannabutter you will not need to follow step one of the weed smoothie recipe and just replace the weed peanut butter with either of the above and follow the rest of the recipe.


    1. Weed
    2. Summer fruits of your choice (mango and strawberry)
    3. Ice cream (vanilla 2 scoops)
    4. Milk (2 cups)
    5. Peanut butter
    6. ice


    1. Oven
    2. Foil
    3. A pan
    4. Blender
    5. A straw

    Recipe for mango, strawberry and weed smoothie/milkshake

    1. Mix the weed with the peanut butter  on a ration of 1 gram to 1/4 cup of peanut butter. Place this mixture in the pan and seal the pan with the foil. Place it in the over on 200 degrees celsius for 25 minutes. This will emulsify you weed and voila you have weed peanut butter.

    2. Place the fruit, ice cream, milk, ice and canna-peanut-butter into the blender. Blend the mixture.

    3. Stick a straw and if available a cocktail umbrella in it. Drink it and wait for it . . . .

    This recipe can be used for making chocolate milkshakes, and other delicious cannabis based drinks.


    Thursday, September 16, 2010

    0 How to stop pulling whitey when smoking weed

    It's happened to most of us and regularly occurs to some smokers after having a joint or two. The feeling of nausea, thoughts racing through your mind, the shivering and the pale complexion.

    Here is the answer to the age old question how to stop being sick from weed?

    To stop a pulling a whitey:

    1. Find a quite spot without distraction so you can relax, make sure it's quite private as you may well fall asleep here :)

    2. Drink fruit juice or eat a piece of fruit as vitamin C has been shown to bring down your high. (An apple usually does the trick of stopping you from being high.)

    3. Drink water to flush out the THC from your bloodstream.

    4. The main thing is to just try and relax and your high will pass with time.

    Tuesday, September 14, 2010

    0 What is the most effective way to smoke weed?

    I have been asked this question time and time again and if you are reading this you are wondering the answer too.
    There are several different ways to smoke weed and several different forms of weed to smoke.

    You may think the straight forward answer to this question is just to vaporize but this is not always the best option as you don't really want to vaporize hash oil or THC crystals.

    Lets analyze each form of mary jane and test each one against the 5 main types of smoking weed.

    This is naturally the least effective way to smoke skunk as the weed is mixed with tobacco before being rolled up in the paper. This in effect dilutes the weed limiting the amount you can put in a joint. However honey oil, hash and THC crystals can be mixed in spliff giving the joint an advantage over other contenders.

    This is a quick one hitter and depending on how many you smoke or how big the bowl is on your pipe, although you are smoking pure bud you will still get a similar high from a spliff. You can smoke hash in a pipe aswell but it must be mixed with tobacco so that the hash burns properly. What brings this method down even more is the fact you can't really put oil or crystals in it.

    This is a nice way to smoke skunk. Whether you mix your skunk with tobacco or not a solid hitting bong taken down in one draw gives you a nice rush from taking suck a deep toke. This high is more to do with replacing the 30 seconds of air you would breathe with weed. Just like the pipe the bong also misses out on honey oil and crystals which lowers it's contention for the ultimate weed smoking tool. But mix some hash and skunk together in an ice bong from Roor and you'll be chillin'.

    Grab a flavoured tobacco leaf, stuff it with as much chronic as you can, take a hit and blow out a thick yellow cloud of smoke. This is the way to enjoy your weed. Undiluted by tobacco, this method gives you a pure hit of bud making it more effective than a spliff. Unfortunately hash cannot be smoked this way unless mixed in with weed and made as a cocktail in which case it's AWESOME! You can also lace the blunt with hash oil or crystals which gives it another advantage over pipes and bongs and making it the best way of smoking weed.

    This method of smoking is renowned for being the most effective as it just heats up the trichomes in the bud for your enjoyment and leaves the rest of the bud and side effects intact leaving you a pure hit of heavenly smoke.
    Unfortunately they are not designed for use with hash, oil or crystals as these are already purer forms of weed.

    In conclusion the most effective way of smoking Bud is in a vaporizer but if you have any two of the above ingredients (weed, hash, oil, crystals) roll it all up in a blunt wrap for the full effects.


    Saturday, September 11, 2010

    0 How to buy a vaporizer

    So you have decided that vaporizing is the most effective and healthiest way of burning your buds but have no idea where to start when buying one.

    We shall start this article with the question - What is a Vaporizer?

    A vaporizer is usually electric and the process it uses to give you such a nice his is vaporization. Vaporization is a process that occurs when the bud is heated not to it's burning point but to a temperature in which the THC crystals in the marijuana turn into a very thin vapour. This vapour is then inhaled by the pothead just like they would a bong hit, leaving the ganja bud intact and saving the smoker from inhaling other elements of the bud.

    Why is a vaporizer more effective and healthier?

    - It removes tar and carcinogens from your smoke
    - There is no need to mix your bud with tobacco
    - There are less side effects (cotton mouth etc)
    - It is a cleaner high without all the other elements of the bud involved

    These are just a few of the pros of using a vaporizer.

    So how do i choose the right vaporizer for me?


    The first issue when buying anything is the price. Typically you want to spend around £50/$80 on a decent working vaporizer that will last you a while. if price is an issue you can pick up a Vapbong
    from www.everyonedoesit.com.
    If you are looking for a more high end vaporizer like a volcano, then you can spend anything from £100 up to around £500.


    This next issue deals with how easy the vaporizer is to use. Make sure you look into how easy the vaporizer is to:

    - set up
    - clean
    - Electricity source / battery power
    - Timing it takes for the vaporizer to heat up your bud

    Try and find one thats the least awkward for you to use.


    You must also decide whether you want a pocket sized little one hitter, a mammoth Vape that has it's own place at the dinner table or a standard portable one that you can move around with you. The 'iolite' is a good example of a portable vaporizer for the cheeky hitter. This will set you back £150. A 'volcano' will become the new idol of your living room or you could keep a standard 'blue meanie' in your car.

    What ever you decide shop around first and ask as many questions as you want to your friends or at your local headshop.

    Smoke up
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