Monday, March 26, 2012

0 Weed buying tips or How to buy good weed

There are many ways to spot good weed. Once you’ve bought different strands from different dealers, you will find key differences in appearance, smell, and taste. It is up to you to make sure you are purchasing the finest bud for your dollar. In order to grade weed, you must look, smell, and touch it before purchasing. If your dealer won’t let you take a look at the weed before purchase, it’s a sure sign that you’re getting a bad deal. If your guy is a bit sketchy, start asking your friends for other options. Understanding what to look for in a dealer and your weed will better your chances of scoring the best stuff.

Initially, you will want to look for three key characteristics. First off, crystals. Each bud should be completely covered in small specs of dust, these are called crystals. The more you see, the higher you’ll get.

Second, the weed should not be too dry, nor too wet. If the weed is too dry, it has lost most of its potency and you’ll be wasting your money. Make sure it doesn’t crumble in your hands and is slightly sticky to the touch. It is also very important that the weed is not too wet. If the weed is soggy, it won’t break apart as easily and force you to smoke more. The third most important aspect when grading your stash is potency of the smell. When you can sniff a bag from across the room, you know you’ve hit the jackpot. Recognizing great buds of marijuana from solely the smell will take some time. If you’ve stumbled onto weed that has little to no smell, you’re in store for a crappy experience. These 3 key characteristics – crystals, moisture, and smell – are the building blocks for excellent bud selection.

There are other pieces to take under consideration when grading your purchase. Make sure there are no excess or large stems as these will weight down your purchase. In addition, an excess of sticks and seeds are signs of a low grade batch. Overwhelming amounts of leaves should also be avoided. The plant should still be green with speaks of purple, orange, or red as this will demonstrate potency. Look for small hairs peeking through buds as these are gold mines for stoners. Brown weed is an unacceptable colour and should not be smoked. Overall, use your judgement when you are looking, smelling, and touching. The buds should be green with speaks of colour, a strong odour, and a sticky feel.

While you studied and surveyed the weed, there are sometimes no way of telling until you take a hit. People experience different sensations and levels of intoxication when smoking specific strands. Begin by following these tips and you’ve be on your way to finding your perfect match.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

0 Different Ways to Smoke Your Weed

Whether you’re a regular toker or a newbie, you are most likely searching for new ways to enjoy your herb.I will quickly outline the basic and common ways to smoke your weed. Stay tuned, I will be highlighting interesting ways to smoke your weed in weeks to come.

Fun Joints

First and foremost: the joint. Joints can be rolled in a variety of different ways including the straight joint, cone, combined joint and tulip. I recommend the use of cigarette rolling paper which can be found at your closest corner store. The smoke intake is smooth, however it does burn quickly. Your clothes and hands will most likely smell of weed, and you must watch out for canoeing.

Tulip Joint


The process is very similar to a joint. The weed must be rolled using blunt papers made of tobacco (sometimes flavoured) and the hits canbe harsh due to the large amount of weed. Blunts burn much slower compared to joints and are therefore perfect for larger groups.


These are great for on the go smoking. No need for pesky rolling skills and are easy to carry in pockets or purses. They are quick and great for sharing and passing. Be careful not to break the pipe, as they are most commonly made of glass.

Water Bongs

There are a few different types of water bongs: plastic, ceramic, and glass. Plastic bongs are convenient because they do not easily break. Once you’re stoned, your senses are lowered, causing bongs to shatter from carelessness. Unfortunately, smoking from plastic bongs is not recommended due to the plastic residue which can be found in the water. Ceramic bongs are mostly ornamental; they usually break easily and are not as convenient to clean. Glass bongs are ideal. They deliver smooth and natural hits and are the most common bong used. They are built in all shapes and sizes but, remember, the bigger the bong, the more smoke it can hold, therefore take your time hitting bowls with a new bong. The disadvantages of glass bongs include the possibility of breaking and bulkiness.

The Hookah

Hookahs are great tools because they let multiple people to smoke all at once. They allow you to burn the weed on top while we inhale from long plastic tubes. Hookahs tend to use more weed than necessary, therefore it is not very useful for large groups.

Homemade items

You and your friends can make your own pipe or bong with objects found in or around your home. By doing a few Google searches, you will find a multitude of different items including beer cans, apples, water bottles, etc. They are excellent for when no one has a paper or bong, however they only tend to be good for once or twice. Begin by experimenting with your apparatus and making sure it is working properly, you might have to make minor adjustments.

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