Tuesday, May 10, 2011

1 Green Dragon Watermelon

Here is a lovely summer cannabis recipe that you can prepare the night before a nice day in the sun.

To make this THC based desert you will need:

1 x Big fat juicy watermelon
1 x Bottle of Green Dragon

To learn how to make Green Dragon, click here

To make the Green Dragon Watermelon you must first sit the water melon in a pot to make it stable.

Next cut a hole about an inch in diameter into the watermelon, this is for the bottle neck.

Once you have cut this hole, start excavating in the watermelon to about 3 inches down. This will be deep enough for the bottle to stand in.

Finally, swiftly and carefully place the open bottle of green dragon into the hole and allow it to sit there overnight.

You should wake up to a big juicy watermelon infused with green dragon, which is guaranteed to mess you up!


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