Wednesday, July 20, 2011

1 How To Stash/Hide Weed in Your Car

We all like a smoke in the car and because we don't want certain people finding our stash, there must be ways of keeping it hidden.
(Hopefully there aren't any cops reading this)

There are several ways of storing weed in your automobile.

Firstly, there is no place to
obvious. So don't stick it in the glove compartment, down the back of the seat or in the boot. Cops will look at the spare wheel too . . .

Secondly, Know your car! You should know any secret compartments in your car, whether it be a fuse box or a compartment behind the armrests.
Cops will only rip your car apart if they think you have a large amount of weed. If you do - run!
If not, then use these compartments only you know about to keep your stash hidden.

A favourite way of stashing bud in a car is to hide it in the gear stick cover.

Open the gearstick cover which is held on by elastic bands and you have uncovered quite a sizeable inconspicuous hiding place for your weed.

Shove your weed in and close her up. . .

More to come . . .

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

0 N64 Controller Bong

This is a brilliant innovation by a massive stoner geek, showing that you can turn almost anything into a bong.

Find more like it here: Cool Bongs

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

1 Green Dragon Watermelon

Here is a lovely summer cannabis recipe that you can prepare the night before a nice day in the sun.

To make this THC based desert you will need:

1 x Big fat juicy watermelon
1 x Bottle of Green Dragon

To learn how to make Green Dragon, click here

To make the Green Dragon Watermelon you must first sit the water melon in a pot to make it stable.

Next cut a hole about an inch in diameter into the watermelon, this is for the bottle neck.

Once you have cut this hole, start excavating in the watermelon to about 3 inches down. This will be deep enough for the bottle to stand in.

Finally, swiftly and carefully place the open bottle of green dragon into the hole and allow it to sit there overnight.

You should wake up to a big juicy watermelon infused with green dragon, which is guaranteed to mess you up!


sell legal buds online!

Friday, April 29, 2011

0 The Train Bong

All aboard The Bong Train

This small acrylic bong is a must for any train lover!

It Features:

- The metal downtube and bowl, mouthpiece ring, rubber grommet and base are standardised bong part
- A simple but highly effective bong design

Click here to buy The Train bong

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

0 Proper Etiquette for Smoking Weed

There are several established rules throughout pothead communities which keep order in the stoner circle and allow everyone to have an enjoyable weed smoking experience.

1. He who rolls the joint, lights the joint.

2. Never refuse anyone smoking your drink as cotton mouth is not enjoyable.

3. Don't 'Niggerlip' the spliff, meaning - don't get saliva on the end of the joint.

4. Do not smoke the spliff for too long as it is not cool. . . NOT COOL.

5. Don't roll anyone else's bud without permission.

6. Pass the joint round in a circle (its really gay calling 2nd & 3rds)

7. Try not to pass someone the dog-end of the spliff, its quite insulting.

8. Don't smoke with dodgy looking people you don't know as there could be anything in that joint.

9. Don't be tight with your weed and others won't be tight with theirs.

10. If someone is unable to light the joint from either being too high or just too high, they must relinquish the duty to someone else.

11. If someone smokes you out you must return the favour at some point in the future.

12.Do not double skin a 'tampon' joint. Always re-roll if you fail at the first attempt.

Add your own words of wisdom as a comment . . .

Monday, April 18, 2011

2 The Best Way To Store Weed & How To Keep It Fresh

So you've just procured a healthy amount of some dank ass chronic blueberry yumyum supercharged and have decided that this weed is so special that you would like to keep it in its current state for an undetermined amount of time. I.e. Fresh and moist

There are several schools of thought on how to keep your cannabis fresh and moist. 3 things to remember are:

Temperature - The optimum temperature for storing marijuana is 52-55 Fahrenheit (11-12 Celsius). So unless you have a fridgededicated to cannabis storage, room temperature or your regular fridge will do.However keep the weed away from below zero temperature and away from heat (unless smoking).

Air tightness - Store in an air tight container reduces oxidation and stops the weed drying out, losing flavour and potency

Darkness - Keep out of sunlight. UV light degrades THC and oils in the bud, reducing the buds potency.

Storage Units to retain marijuana's freshness:

Tupperware - Storing weed in Tupperware is an obvious choice for the cannabisconnoisseur wishing to retain his smelly herb. After using this method for many years i can definitely recommend it to any pothead wishing to keep their weed fresh. Tupperwear with a clip seal is probably the best to keep the container airtight.There is no need to store weed in the fridge, just ensure that it is kept in a cool, dry place away from sunlight.

Mason Jar - For those of you that prefer glass to plastic a mason jar is a perfect storage unit for your weed. Ensure the mastic seal on the top of the jar is not dehydrated and therefore effectively airtight.

Vacuum Bags - Storing weed in a Foodsaver vacuum bag is a brilliant method for storing marijuana on 2 levels.

1. It keeps the cannabis fresh for very long periods (months and months)

2. Vacuuming the bag reduces circulation inside the bag thus hiding the smell of weed. (Perfect for storing large amounts)

Vacuum flask - Storing marijuana in a vacuum flask or thermos
flask is the best way to not only keep the ganja fresh but also prevent the smell of cannabis permeating.

Some notes for storing weed:

1. Do NOT store weed in a freezer, this will dry your weed out. (People that suggest this are clueless)

2. Do not break up large nuggets of weed as this will increase the surface area susceptible to reacting with air.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

0 Does holding in smoke make you higher?

We have all played the game taxi or a similar version when you pass the joint round and hold in your hit until the spliff returns to you, but does it make you any higher?

After much testing and discussion with some intellectual stoners with medical backgrounds we built up a few theories.

1. Holding marijuana smoke in after taking a hit gives it more time inside your lungs which having a high surface area allows more THC from the smoke to disperse into your bloodstream.

2. Holding your breathe for a long time will make you dizzy as your brain lacks oxygen, therefore holding your breathe after inhaling cannabis rather than oxygen will make you even dizzier.

After much 'experimentation' we came to the conclusion that there is no difference between holding in a toke for 10 seconds and 30 seconds except the oxygen depravation which makes you slightly dizzier.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

0 The Ultimate Blunt

This is a short tutorial on how to roll the Ultimate Super Blunt!

To roll the Ultimate Super Blunt you will need:

- A blunt paper (Flavoured or not its your choice)

- At Least 2 grams of the finest weed you can get your hands on

- Some hash oil

- The crystals you have been collecting from your crystal catcher grinder

- Some skillz!

To roll the ultimate blunt:

1. Fill the blunt paper with the bud.

2. Sprinkle your pollen all over your bud.

3. Roll the blunt to just before the licking it point.

4. Rather than lick the blunt paste the hash oil down the side and use that to st
ick the blunt. (lay it on thick!)

5. Finish rolling it and sign it with hash oil.

6. Spark it and hit it hard!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

0 Inherit Charlie Chaplins Fortune!

Whether true or not this is still a pretty cool challenge for all you smokers out there.

Rumour has it that if you can blow 7 consecutive smoke rings and then blow a final smoke ring through all 7 smoke rings then you can inherit the fortune of Charlie Chaplin!

Here at Weed Smoking Tricks we don't know if this is the case however we have put a competition together!

We want you to attempt the 7 ring trick and send us videos of your attempts. We don't expect anyone to do it but the best attempt will win a nice expensive piece of glass!

This Percolator ice bong is up for grabs for the best video submitted.

Please submit videos of your attempt via the contact us button at the bottom of the page.

Good Luck

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

0 Ghost Face

Ghost Face is the simplest weed smoking trick there is.
The only issue with this trick is to ensure that you have a fat hitting bong/joint giving off some thick smoke!

All you need to do for this trick is to take a nice fat hit of smoke and slowly let it seep out of your mouth encasing your face in a fat cloud of smoke.

0 Kashtray - Pipe Cleaning Ashtray

This is a neat little tool for anyone that enjoys smoking a pipe but hates the job of cleaning it out afterwards.

This Kashtray simply works by using the middle part of the Kashtray to remove the residue and resin from the weed pipe while its rubber base hold it firmly on a surface giving you a free hand to be smoking a joint with.

Find out more at
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