Monday, October 18, 2010

0 How to blow fat donut smoke rings

If you smoke weed or a hookah here is a cool little trick to pull off that will impress your friends.

Blowing monster smoke rings is simple all you need is a toilet or kitchen roll.

All you need to do is:

- Take a drag from your bong and begin exhaling the smoke slowly through the kitchen roll until it starts seeping out of the end.

- Once the smoke starts to appear start exhaling short, sharp, light breathes and massive smoke donuts will begin to float out! Voila

0 How to blow a smoke star

This is the new cool smoking trick to pull off at a session.

To blow a smoke star:

- Blow a smoke ring (How to blow smoke rings tutorial)

- When you smoke ring is floating slowly put your hand toward the back of the ring and swiftly pull your hand back away from the smoke ring.

The gust from pulling your hand back should have an impact on the smoke ring transforming it into a smoke star.

Check out this short clip of how to blow a smoke star:

0 Deep fried weed

Known as deep fried dank, these two stoner covered the tip of a white rhino plant in egg and bread crumbs to make the most awesome deep fried snack.

Check out the video . . .

0 How to roll a hash oil joint

Here is how to roll a hash oil joint.

Firstly you will need:

- Hash oil
- Rolling Paper
- Weed
- Cooking alcohol (90% +)

- To roll this special joint you will need to mix some hash oil in with the alcohol to dissolve it a little and get a more pasty consistency. This is because we are going to pain the rolling paper with the mixture.

- Paint the paper with your mixture and have a joint while you wait for it to dry. (It must dry properly)

- Once the rolling paper is dry, grind your weed up and roll a fat joint.

- Smoke it and be merry!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

0 £10 Acrylic Double Chamber Bong

This double chamber slider bong gives you as good a smoke as it looks. At 13cm x 13cm it's a nice little pocket size bong.

This could be your cheeky little pinch hitter for only £10!

Acrylic Double Chamber Bong

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

0 What are the benefits of marijuana

Although there are two sides to this argument i would like to share the positive side of smoking marijuana.
There are several legitimate medical conditions for which cannabis is a great remedy/painkiller like fibromyalgia, migraines, insomnia, post surgery, slipped discs etc. This article is not geared toward the medical side of marijuana and rather the pros of recreational use of cannabis.

The positive mental effects of cannabis:

1. Marijuana allows your mind to think in a different light, from a different perspective and can help you concentrate more intensely on the subject you are thinking of. (i.e some of the greatest inventors and physicists were potheads)

2. Marijuana can relax you if you suffer from anxiety attacks.

3. If you suffer from depression then not only cannabis can help but the social element of a pot smoking circle can have a positive social effect on you.

The positive physical effects of cannabis:

1. If you have trouble sleeping, smoking marijuana can help you get sleep and is regularly, legitimately prescribed by doctors to patients that have trouble sleeping or suffer from insomnia to help them get 40 winks.

2. When high on weed you enjoy everything more like sex, music and munching. This point also stands for the positive mental effects. You appreciate smaller elements of everyday routines from the scent of food to things as extreme as the taste of water.

There is more to come on this subject . . . Please comment

Monday, October 11, 2010

1 The Best Places To Smoke Weed

Here is a list of the most common places to have a pot smoking session

1. The car

So many people smoking in the moving room for reasons such as:

 - No smoking in the house
 - You are already halfway to picking up more weed or munch
 - Hotboxing the car

2. A shed

Smoking sheds are quite common and a very chilled place to smoke some ganja. The best things about smoking in sheds are:

 - No smoking in the house
 - Hotboxing the shed
 - Privacy
 - No need to keep it clean
 - It can be decorated however you please

3. The Park

On a nice sunny day there is nothing better than heading down to the park with a football and some bud, finding a nice patch of grass and just getting high. why?

 - Enjoy your high in some nice weather
 - Open space to run around in
 - Feed the ducks some brownies ;)

4. The Beach

How picturesque it is to have a smoke on the beach. The wind, the sea, the sun and the girls create a great atmosphere to enjoy a nice long session. Add a little music and a frisbee to the equation and you have a memorable day out.

5. The cellar
There is something comforting about chilling having a smoke in a cellar. Underground, you are protected from the elements in a little cocoon.  That 70's show had it right!

6. The Bath

The bathtub must be the most chilled out place to smoke weed. Fiil the tub up, pour some bubbles in, roll a fatty and sink into that silky, steamy pot of water chilled as sloth on sleeping pills.

I think i have covered the best of the weed smoking session spots, if you think i have missed out any please comment.

Happy Smoking

Saturday, October 9, 2010

1 Bong Smoking Game

If you and your stoner circle like to rip your bongs then this is the game for you!

The aim of the bong smoking game is to smoke the weed in your bong quicker than everyone in the circle can.

The prize: Before the game, everybody puts there bit towards a joint to be rolled by the winner.

How to play the bong game:

1. After putting your bit of weed in for the winners spliff, everybody participating in the game should pack a nice fat bowl.

2. Once the bowls have been packed someone says "3, 2, 1 toke!"

3. The first person to finish burning the contents of their bowl wins.

4. The winner rolls the joint, sparks that doobie and shares it with the losing friends!

This is a very fun smoking game guaranteed to get you high as hell!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

2 Tips & Tricks To Improve A Bong Hit

Here are a few tips i'd like to share with you to ensure that you get a decent hit from your bong.

- To ensure a nice fresh hit, keep your bong chilled in a fridge to ensure a nice cool, fresh hit (do not put a glass bong in the freezer as it may well crack).

- Twist your bowl in tightly to ensure an air tight seal for a more direct bong hit and ensure the gasket isn't broken.

- Change the bong water every session.

- Pack your bowl tightly with bud and poke a hole through the middle with a toothpick so the bud burns well and the smoke has a direct route through the bong.

- If you lose the rubber grommet from your bong you can use an elastic band or blue-tack to seal up the gap.

- Clean your bong regularly

0 Cannabis Pizza Recipe

Weed pizza is a very simple recipe!

As we all know THC is fat soluble and to our luck cheese contains some nice greasy oil to break down the THC in our bud.

To make cannabis pizza you will need:

 - Frozen pizza
 - Weed
 - Cheese

Simply grind up a couple of grams of weed on to your frozen pizza, sprinkle plenty of cheese over the weed so it is trapped between the frozen pizza layer of cheese and your layer of cheese.

Rather than cook the cannabis pizza for 10 minutes on 200 celsius (like you would normally), cook the weed pizza for about 20 minutes on 150 celsius.

You will know its done because the top of the cheese will be starting to crisp-en and the whole neighborhood will smell that dank!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

0 Baby Bottle Bong

If they cry, let them fry! If you want your kids to remain as articulate as they are now when they are older - then you feed them through this baby.
Suckling at the tit of some chronic nugz will be sure to calm them down and give you a little more peace to hit your own piece.

Another Brilliant bong
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