Tuesday, July 20, 2010

0 Trick on how to combat a soar throat when smoking weed

This smoking trick is designed for people that either have a soar throat or cough a lot from smoking pot as the thick herb smoke tickles their throat.

Here are a few ways of how to prevent coughing when smoking weed:

- Soar throat spray (numbs your throat)
- Suck on Ricolla or a Strepsil to soothe your throat
- Suck on a piece of ice
- Although i hate to say it - put less weed in your joint/bong as it may be too harsh for you

Hopefully one of these methods will help stop you coughing when smoking and prevent you from getting a soar throat from smoking weed.

0 Smoking trick 15: Poppin' the cherry

Popping the cherry is not as weird as smoking trick as it sounds.

To perform this smoking trick, firstly follow this tutorial on how to blow a smoke ring.

The trick of poppin the cherry is simply to blow a smoke ring then quickly blow another one with a little more power to penetrate the original smoke ring.

There are several factors to making this trick impress, these require practice to improve:

1. Practice blowing different sized rings. This is because your first smoke ring should be big enough for the second ring to penetrate.
2. Practice blowing your smoke ring with different power behind them.
3. Practice aiming your smoke rings as you will have to aim one right in the middle of its predecessor.
4. Keep the integrity of each smoke ring. This is the most important aspect of blowing smoke rings otherwise they will look crap.

Finally practice make perfect. Once you get any good try and blow 3 smoke rings through each other successively.

0 Smoking Trick 14: Double smoke ring

The double smoke ring is definitely my favourite weed smoking trick at the moment.

How to blow a double smoke ring

1. Follow my tutorial on how to blow a smoke ring.

2. Put your finger in the middle of your mouth touching both lips, as a partition.

3. Blow smoke rings as usual.

Here is a video to show you how to blow double smoke rings, although the star of the movie isn't the best . . .

Monday, July 19, 2010

0 The Ultimate Chocolate Weed Recipe

This is the recipe for some awesome chocolate weed!

I'd like to start by saying that fortunately this recipe does not involve making chocolate form scratch. This is a very simple weed chocolate recipe and enables you to make your favourite chocolate and favourite marijuana strain into a single tasty ganja snack.


- 150 gram bar of your favourite chocolate (i prefer the thickness of Galaxy chocolate)
- An eighth of some top weed
- A saucepan full of boiling water
- A glass bowl

Method for making the ultimate Weed Chocolate:

1. Grind all the weed up.
2. Boil the saucepan of water on the stove and leave on a low light to keep it hot.
3. Place the glass bowl on top of the saucepan and put your favourite chocolate inside it.
4. Once the chocolate begins to melt, add the ground up marijuana and stir it until the weed is well mixed into the chocolate.
5. Using oven gloves (the glass bowl is hot) lift the bowl and pour the contents into an ice cube tray to shape the chocolate.
6. Refrigerate the chocolate until it is solid.
7. Store in a cool dry place in tin foil.

This is such a simple recipe, do not try and take short cuts like microwaving or boiling the chocolate directly on the stove otherwise it will burn.

Enjoy your chocolate weed :)

0 Grass - The greatest Weed Smoking Game Ever!

Grass - The Card Game

This is not a weed smoking game per-say and you don't have to be a pothead to appreciate it.
If you like 'dope wars' and 'top trumps' this is the game for you.

The game is for 2-6 people and everyone plays a weed dealer facing competition from other dealers, government harassment and more.

Although this game is a little tricky to pick up, not a single person that i have played it with has not enjoyed it.

This game is a must for any weed smokers.

Here are the rules

0 Weed Smoking Game - Subject Matters

The game is played in the same way as On Word Pass
One Word Pass requires each person in the stoner circle, to take a hit a blurt out a word.

The game begins when a subject is decided i.e 'Car makes'. (Whomever rolls the joint decides the subject)
The first person takes a hit and says 'ferrari', passes the joint to the next person who must say a different car make.

The rules for this pot smoking game are as follows:

- You must say your word before exhaling the weed smoke.
- You must not repeat a previously said word in the round.
- If you break either rule, you miss out on your turn to take a hit of the joint.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

1 Fruit Cocktail Hookah

The Ultimate Fruit Cocktail Shisha

This is an old favourite hookah recipe of mine and involves - yes you guessed it fruit!
If you want to add an edge generic shisha smoking session then this is one way to make it more exciting and tasty.
It a more herbal way of shisha smoking if you will.

Here is one recipe for making fruit shisha:

You will need:

 - A shisha (this would help a great deal)
 - Some funky, fruity shisha tobacco (Al Fakhr & Starbuzz have a wild range of really fruity, tasty tobacco)
 - A sealed piece of fruit ( Something with a waterproof 'sealed' skin like an nectarine, orange, guava or anything that has a strong fruity flavour as you want to taste it when you take a drag of the hookah)
 - A knife, A kebab stick, rubber gumi, foil & coal.

Making the ultimate fruit cocktail shisha:

1. Cut a bowl shaped section out of the top of the fruit, about the same size as a shisha bowl. Then cut a smaller 1cm hole on the opposite side so that the rubber gumi from the top of the shisha fits snugly and air tight inside the fruit.

2. Poke some thick half centimeter holes into the bowl shape you have cut out in the fruit and make sure they penetrate all the way through to the hole on the opposite side.

3. By now if you have followed my vague instructions and used some common sense you should have what appears to be a shisha bowl made of a piece of fruit. Fill it with some fruity shisha tobacco, cover it with a double layer of tin foil and poke holes in the foil like you normally would.

4. Make sure you shisha is set up correctly and the base is filled with some tropical fruit juice and ice to add to the intense fruity experince, whack some hookah coals on.

5. Enjoy

0 How to clean your Hookah

I have a systematic method which i regularly use to clean my shisha. The more often you clean it, the less effort you will have to put into cleaning it.

To clean your shisha you will need:

 - A Pipe cleaner
 - A hot tap/faucet
 - Washing up liquid

How to clean your shisha:

1. After you have dismantled your hookah i like to start by emptying the water from the base and filling it with a mixture of washing up liquid and boiling water. Leave that to soak throughout the rest of the process.

2. Secondly, clean all the extras in soapy water. This includes: the tobacco bowl, the  pipe tray, the tongs, the gumis and leave them to dry throughout the rest of the process.

3. Rinse the main pipe through with hot water under a sink. I use my bathtub as it's the only place my shish fits underneath. Next squirt some washing up liquid down the pipe and start thrusting the pipe cleaner down the shisha pipe. Rinse the pipe and the pipe cleaner and keep repeating until there is no more dirt inside the pipe. You will be able to see by looking through the pipe if there is any dirt left. Rinse it out and stand it up to dry.

4. Now back to the base bowl of the shisha, shake it violently as you empty it. Rinse and repeat. If the stale smell persists in the base of the hookah restart step 1 with something a little stronger than washing up liquid i.e oven cleaner.

5. Rinse and re-rinse the hose as much as possible. But remember this piece needs replacing the most out of the whole shisha.

6. Finally fill your hookah base up with some ice cold water, put your shisha back together, set one up and enjoy a nice CLEAN hit.

0 Tips & Tricks for making a Shisha

Tips & Tricks for making a Shisha

1. Clean your shisha regularly and change the water as soon as the colour of it starts changing. It is extremely unhealthy to smoke a hookah full of rust, ash, molasses and the rest of the crap that builds up in there and secondly it ruins the taste of the shisha. Take pride in your shisha.

2. Use a plastic pipe rather than the metal ones, this is because the metal shisha pipes become easily corroded and blocked up. They are also more expensive to replace than the plastic hookah pipes. Replace you old pipe as regular as necessary.

3. Filling the base you should normally fill it up to about 20% of the way up the water pipe.  Remember that the water pipe must be immersed in the water but do not overfill otherwise you will get water into the hose you are sucking from.
You can add some flavour to your shisha bowl. Rather than fill it with water, use fruit juice, schnapps, ice, a mixture or anything you desire. Milk is also a good option to fill the base with.

4. If your tobacco is a little dry or you want it to last longer with thicker smoke then mix in either molasses or honey. Even flavoured honey can change the taste of your shisha tobacco.

5. Using a smaller head bowl saves you a lot of tobacco rather than emptying a big one after every coal.

6. Use a double layer of foil when setting up the shisha so that the tobacco dosen't get too hot and makes the shisha 'coaly'.
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