Wednesday, January 27, 2010

0 A collection of Marijuana Stash Boxes

Stash Boxes

There are some very innovative designs in modern weed stash boxes.
There are stash pens available for those of you in work or school and fake poker chip piles for those that want to really hide their bud well.

These mini stash boxes will only hold a personal ammountwhich is why they are so reasonably priced at £2.99!

0 I-spliff app for iPhone stoners

We have all seen i-beer and other similar apps but if your high, bored and have 99 cents to spare then why not spark up a virtual joint!

You light and smoke the i-spliff on your iphone and blow into the microphone to exhale the smoke, which is pretty cool.

The only thing this stoner iphone application lacks is letting the user roll the joint.

Check it out:

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

0 How To Make Green Dragon Drink

Green Dragon is an alcoholic THC drink which is brewed by going through heating and distilling processes.
You can use Green Dragon to 'spike'  your own drinks, food or even bud!

NOTE: This is some powerful shit!

You will need:

- Weed
- 150% proof alcohol or higher
- Vapourizer / oven
- A bottle
- A siv

Activating the weed

The chemical bonds of the THC must be broken.

There are several methods of doing this one of which is quickly firing it up in your vaporizer for a few seconds with out smoking it.

Or just crisp it up in the oven for 10 minutes on 200 farenheit.


As long as it has a high alcohol content you can use it. I use 95% cooking alcohol, another nice alcohol to use would bacardi 150 proof.

Place the buds in the alcohol in a bottle, i use 1 shot of alcohol per gram of bud.


Store the juice is a warm dark place for a minimum of 6 weeks, shaking it every so often to loosen all that THC.


When it's ready, it should be a dark green colour and smell of herbal vodka.
Siv out the bud.

NOTE: Do not exceed consumption as the alcohol content is of a dangerous level.

2 Shots will knock you flat out and get you pretty high, otherwise experiment mixing the green dragon juice with other drinks and make a nice cocktail out of it.


0 'You Beauty' Bong - Your old science kit

This beauty available at Grasscity is named 'You Beauty' for a reason.

It's just a sexual party piece of a bong!
It looks like a bunch of old test tubes stuck together but the reviews don't lie!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

0 Pot Hot Chocolate

Here is a nice little recipe to keep you baked and toasty on a cold winters night.
Marijuana hot chocolate is pretty simple to make although a little more complex than regular hot chocolate.

You will need:

- Full fat milk
- Saucepan and stove
- Options Belgium chocolate! (if not just compromise with standard cocoa and sugar)
- A pinch of salt
- Full fat cream
- 4 Grams of weed
- Siv/ straining cloth

Making pot hot chocolate:

1. Pour a mug of milk in to the pan with a dollop of cream, a pinch of salt and 4 grams of ground up weed. Boil and stir for 15 minutes.

2. Siv the weed out and strain the THC rich juices from the bud back into the drink.

3. Mix in the chocolate (and sugar if necessary) until it all disolved.

4. Drop a couple of marshmallows into that chocolate flavored THC juice, curl up and enjoy.

NOTE: Best on an empty stomach

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

0 The Incredibowl Bong

Not just a great name for a bong but this pipe has proven to be top of the league by double winning the high times cup 2009.

This bong has had hours of time spent on it's design and is made from some unbreakable polycarbonate. The video below provided by everyonedoesit shows how unbreakable the bong is.
The bowl is crafted from borosilicate glass which means you only taste the fine buds which you are smoking and not 'other things'.

Using it
Once you have packed the incredibowl the 'annular purge carb' loads the chamber of the pipe with smoke as you inhale, then you pull the tab at the end which inlets air causing you to inhale the smoke hard and fast.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

0 Nes Contoller Bong

Getting nostalgic with the old 8mb Nintendo Entertainment Sytem. Inspired some genius to make the nes controller bong.

0 Da Bong Game

Firstly i'd like to say this is the first game that i ever invented. It's 'breath taking', adds an element to bong hits and get's you very high guaranteed. (Not a guarantee)

You can either fabricate the multipipe bong like i have or you can purchase a communal 4 pipe bong from this link: Multipipe bongs

To make  this bong you will need:

- A 4litre or bigger bottle
- 2.5 meters of thin gas pipe or similar
- A large bong bowl preferably from a shisha/hookah pipe
- The plastic seal bit from the shisha/hookah bowl
- A Lighter
- Scissors
- Screwdriver
- Bluetack  to seal and make air tight

1. Cut the gas pipe into 4 equal half meter pieces.

2. Heat up the screwdriver with the lighter and melt 4 equal sized holes, equally spaced apart about a quarter of the way down the bottle.

NOTE:Make sure the holes are a little bit smaller than the circumference of the gas pipe  as it needs to be a tight squeeze.

3. Force/Insert 4 of the sections of gas pipe into the 4 holes and seal round the edges with bluetack for extra airtightness.

4. Fill the bong about a third to halfway with water.

5. Stick the gummy (rubber seal) into the bottom of the bowl then stick the final piece of gas pipe into the gummy.

NOTE: This should be airtight. If not plug it up with a little bluetack. It won't melt as the bowl is ceramic (a good insulator)

6. Use the scissors to cut the top of the bottle off until the new bong bowl fits snugly. Cut off any excess pipe if necessary.

7. Fill the bowl with weed and prepare for the game.

Da Bong Game

There should be four of you each sitting at the end of a pipe connected to huge bong packed full of some yummy weed.

- Light the bong and everyone should be toking and toking hard.
NOTE: There is no time limit to toking either until your lungs are full or until the weed is gone.

-The fun bit. The aim of the game is to be the last one to let out all your smoke but you can not hold it in. As soon as you take your lips come off the pipe you must start exhaling.
NOTE: Exhale slowly

You cough you loose.

Still blowing out smoke and no one else is? You win!

It's a test of lung capacity and marijuana tolerance.

Da Bong Game

0 How to make Hash

Making hash is very simple just follow these guidelines:

You will need:

- A piece of paper
- Cellophane from a cigarette packet or similar
- A very fine siv (the finer the better)
- A fair amount of cannabis. The more potent the weed, the more potent the hash but you can use crap weed and still get good results.
- An oven

1. Take your ground up buds and siv them through lightly releasing only the crystals.

NOTE: If you have a grinder with a crystal catcher this will get you started with the crystal collection but still siv through the ground bud afterwards).

2. Once you have a fair amount of crystals put them in the cellophane and wrap up tight. Seal it with cellotape.

3. Wrap this little parcel up tightly with paper and seal with cellotape.

4. Soak the paper in water (this will stop it burning when you bake it)

5. Bake the parcel at 175 degrees celcius for 10 minutes.

NOTE: keep an eye on it as you just pput paper into an oven.

6. Unwrap and enjoy

Monday, January 18, 2010

0 How to roll a nosecone/Tulip joint

The nosecone/Tulip joint is a real party piece and very impressive.

I will run through ho to make one of these monsters. This is for quite advanced rollers and requires some arts and crafts skill.

You will need:

- A few rizlas (rolling papers)
- 2 Cigarettes
- At least 3 grams of some high grade weed
- A lighter

1. Firstly visit the How to roll an L  and roll and L.

2.  Stick two king sized rizlas together to make a square and fold them into a cone like shown in the picture. It will turn out like this picture

 3. Then tear the excess paper off the end of the joint. This part may take a few tries as it's very tricky.

4. Use the excess paper on the nosecone to seal round the joint. Tear the gummy part off another rizla and use this to attach the nosecone to the joint.

Check out this tutorial for more help.


0 Zippo lighter gun trick

A simple trick to master.

Just hold the  lid of the lighter between your thumb and index finger with the exposed bottom facing up.

Your hand should be in a gun shape as that the idea of the gun trick.

Finally just slide your hand over the lighter opening it upside down and hopefully catching the flint with your finger thus lighting the lighter.

The more you practice the faster you will become.

0 How to make a stash box out of a deck of cards

An innocent deck of cards is unlikely to be searched, therefore the perfect place to stash your weed!

You will need:

-A deck of cards
-A pair of scissors
-Some duct tape

1.Start by taking two cards off the deck and putting them aside.

2. Then two at a time fold the cards in half and cut a square out of the middle so you are just left with the rim of the cards in tact. Do not do more than two as they are thick and the shape will differ a little inside. 1 at a time will be to time consuming.

3. Once you have done this to 50 cards, put them in a neat pile on top of one of the whole cards you put to the side and use a little bit of duct tape to stick one side of the inside of the deck together whilst sticking it to the bottom card. Do this for both side but not the ends as you want them a little loose so that you can flick through them  little bit.

4. Use the last card as the lid and your ready to stash some hash!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

0 Lighter Trick 2: Jeans (Pants) Zippo Trick

This Zippo lighter trick is probably the easiest to pull, it's very effective and very smooth if for example a hot chick asks you for a light in a bar!

Simply open the lid on your jeans (or some sort of strong rough pants) by sliding the lighter lid against the opening part and slide back the lighter (once open) rubbing the flint against your jeans, sparking the flame to ignite the lighter.

Watch this tutroial to make more sense of it:

0 Lighter Trick 1: How to flick a zippo lighter (Two Hands)

Want to look cool lighting your zippo lighter.
Here's how to flick it and it's as easy as snapping your fingers.

1. Flick the lid open with the thumb of the hand you are holding the lighter in as that looks cool anyway. Or just flick it open if you have nails of steel.

2. Put your fingers in the other hand in a position to click your fingers, so thumb on middle finger like in the picture.
Then put the tip of your middle finger on the flint of the zippo lighter and click your fingers to spark it.


-This may take a few tries to master it.
-Make sure your zippo lighter has lighter fluid in to perform this trick

This video shows you how cool it can be:

0 How to make an Apple Bong

The apple bong is good for so many reasons;

- Don't have a bong?!
- Missing a piece of your bong?!
- Have no rizla?!
- Need some extra flavour in you bong hit?!

If the answer to any of the above is yes and you don't have a bong or rolling paper available, this is the perfect opportunity to go for an apple bong.

To make the marijuana apple pipe you will need:

-An apple!
-Some nice buds of marijuana
-A knife / screwdriver
-A lighter

1. Take the stalk out of the top of the apple as this divet is going to act as the bowl. If it's a big enough bowl for you, use the knife to carve out a bigger bowl.

2. Poke the screwdriver through the 'bowl' until it penetrates about halfway through the apple. This is the pipe.

3. Poke another hole in a similar fashion through the side of the apple until it meets the end of your first hole, as shown in the picture. This will be the pipe you smoke through.

4. Put some fat nugz of weed in the divet, light and smoke.

Enjoy some of the fruity flavoured weed smoke!


You can fabricate an apple to hold a spliff and create an 'Apple Spliff Bong'.

Use this tutorial and the how to roll a joint tutorial, put 2 and 2 together and you will end up with this . . .

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

0 How to roll an L joint

This joint is in theory 1 1/2 times longer than a traditional joint, so lasts longer and gets you higher.

You will need:

-WEEEEEEEEED!!! a fat gram of it
-A cigarette
-2 rizlas (rolling papers)
-A lighter
-Some rolling skills

Make your standard weed and baccy mix and a roach. Then take one rizla and lick half of the gummy side and stick that onto the end of the other rizla to form an L shape. Remember to stick it on the opposite side the roach goes on.

Tear some of the top corner off to make it easier and less fiddly (less paper).
Once the L paper is dry and secure just roll it a bit to make sure before you fill it with weed and start rolling it in the traditional manner.

Lick it, stick it, spark it.

0 Helix vortex pipe

This pipe is a thing of beauty!
You get a smooth hit, smoother than a water bong and it looks fantastic when you take a hit of the pure white ganja smoke!

The shape is specially designed so that when it is lit and you pull the smoke through the holes round the side also pull fresh air in creating a vortex which the smoke is caught in, giving you a smooth and direct hit.

I want one, i need one.

Check it out

Monday, January 11, 2010

0 How to refuse a drugs search from a police officer

Whether in a car or on foot in the U.S or the U.K a policeman cannot search you or your car without consent or a warrant. That is the law.

Don't be rude or disrespectful to a police officer or they will make trouble for you. At the same time do not the cop push you around or intimidate you.

This first video is what not to do if you get pulled over:

When you get pulled over tell everyone in the car to keep their mouths shut as they withhold the right not to answer any questions (plead the 5th).

Be dominant and courteous and don't act like you have something to hide.
This tutorial shows you what to do in such a case:

Thank you officer have a nice day! Cough (TWAT)

0 Stash Trick 2: How to avoid police sniffer dogs

There's nothing worse than getting pulled over by the cops when you have weed except when there is a sniffer dog involved.

This video explains one of the ways of sending the sniffer dog off trail of the scent by replacing it with another scent. This can be done by spraying some sort of deer hunters scent or keeping an animal or pet around.

More details can be viewed in this crazy tutorial:

0 How to Incorporate Hemp into Your Daily Life

Hemp is one of the oldest and most versatile plant, dating back to nearly 10,000 years. Human beings have developed various uses for this wonderful plant throughout history, eventually discovering its full potential. Today, I will be listing you a list of ways to incorporate hemp into your daily life. You will find great benefits in switching to natural and durable hemp products, they are versatile and very healthy. You might be thinking that getting high is your main priority, as it should be, but surrounding yourself with hemp products will encourage and support hemp growers. The growth of hemp product lines are an important step in destroying prejudices against marijuana benefits.


Your first step in creating a hemp friendly atmosphere is by wearing it yourself. Hemp fabric is very breathable and can last for a very long time. It is great for nearly any piece of clothing and can replace the use of cotton. Finding hemp clothing in major stores will prove difficult. Visit small boutiques or specialty stores as it may be a more successful shopping trip.

If you can’t find any store near you offering hemp style clothing, you can always turn to the alternative of online shopping. Websites such as and offer a wide variety of men’s and women’s clothing lines. Items found vary from women’s bras and panties to interesting home décor ideas. If you are serious in making the switch from cotton to hemp, beginning in your closet is a perfect first step.

Body Care

Switching to hemp body products will prove especially useful if you suffer from sensitive skin. Products such as shampoos and conditioners, body butters, makeup and face creams can be made using hemp oil. Rather than chemicals that may damage your skin, hemp oil is full of omega 3, 6 and 9. These omegas will help keep your skin looking younger and moisturized, strengthen your hair, feed you scalp and sometimes cure common skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema. The hemp plant contains the highest amount of fatty acids when compared to all other plants, making it an effective ingredient in common bathroom products including acne cream, bath gel, soap, moisturizers, lipstick, sunscreens and other similar products.

Hemp Foods

Hemp seeds are a powerful tool in any diet plan. It is very beneficial is sustaining a natural and balanced meal, providing nutrients necessary for any healthy individual. Many people have used hemp seeds to facilitate weight loss, increase energy, reduce inflammation and improve recovery time, lower cholesterol and blood pressure and improve circulatory and immune cells. They have also proven to maintain a natural blood sugar level. Individuals using hemps seeds have experienced different results, therefore it’s important to try hemp seeds and explore the different benefits for you.

Exploring the widening availability of hemp products will be an exciting and rewarding experience. You will now be able to enjoy your favourite’s herbs full potential while supporting hemp growers.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

0 Lighting a cigarette/joint with you hand (fireball trick)

This is simple but i must give you a strong warning to be extra careful when doing this as you don't want to burn yourself because yes you do light your hand on fire :)

Put your cig in your mouth ready to light then make an airtight fist in one hand with some space inside to fill with gas.

The fill with your fist with gas from your lighter for about 10 seconds.

Light the space and a flame will appear at the top. You have a few seconds to light your spliff or cig before it starts to burn or goes out.

This part is important; Open your hand to extinguish the flame!


0 Cigarette pack waterfall trick

This is a scientific smoking trick as it shows you what happens to air in a vacuum.

To perform this impressive and visually amazing smoking trick you will need:

- A cigarette pack (with the plastic wrapper still covering the bottom half of the packet)
- A lighter
- A cigarette butt

Pull the plastic wrapper about half way off the cigarette packet so it's still providing an air tight (more or less) connection to the pack.

Then use a cigarette or something of that shape to burn a small hole in the side of the plastic, not too big that the paper will fall through but not too small that it won't fit in (This is the hard bit).

Once you have done this bit remove the filter from the cigarette but and somehow make it fit into the hole. I usually give it a little fold until it's halfway in the hole. (You can use any type of paper for this bit.

Finally light the end and your smoke waterfall will begin!

This video is what it should look like:

And there you have it! The smoke waterfall trick with a cigarette packet. A simple yet effective party trick.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

0 Tips on how to find bud when in a new/unkown area

There are so many different methods of finding bud and depending on where you are in the world with regards to laws and amount of potheads in that city you should adjust your methods.

If done right this can all be done in a day, but you have to be willing to put yourself out there, strike up conversations and be patient.

Who to approach

Although they probably know best DO NOT ASK THE COPS!

In a relaxed environment where people are chilled, you can go from corner shop to corner shop and either make conversation about weed or straight up ask for weed. This can be a long process though.

Spark up a conversation with some youths, preferably youths that are smoking and preferably ones that won't stab you :)
Ask them what the situation with weed is or ask them where the nearest head shop, if that country has such things . . .

Which brings me to my next point college / university campuses / hangouts because believe it or not a lot of students smoke weed! :)

If you see someone that you know is high, go and make friends . . .

How to approach

Cigarettes are a good conversation started whether you ask for one or offer one. Whilst smoking or talking you can make reference to anything slightly to do with weed e.g i wish this cigarette was a joint or i once hot-boxed a phone box like that.

If the person seems more relaxed and approachable you can ask them straight out if they smoke weed or know where to get hold of some bud.

Buying the herb

Once you find a dealer . . .

I hope i don't need to tell you to not follow shady people in to back allies and accept some scrunched up foil for $100 . . .


Go on to this website which will show you hot spots and for weed around the world

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

0 Lego bong!

For all you big kids out there that used to spend hours of their childhood building with lego blocks, if you still have them lying around this is definitely worth giving ago.

The retro lego bong! It will be a proud day when your kid builds one of these!

0 Absolutely beautifuly crafted bong

I had to share this beauty of a bong finely crafted from glass.

Who wouldn't want to burn one through this?!

0 Proper etiquette for stealing lighters

We all do it whether on purpose or accident, whether to baked to remember where it is (usually in your hand) or you have a game amongst your stoner friends in which who can steal the most lighters.

Stealing lighters from a stoner circle is perfectly acceptable as long as the following laws are followed. Lets face it anyone can sneakily steal a lighter and deny taking it, it's more fun this way . . .

These rules do not apply to personal lighters or lighters of sentimental value.

Rule 1: The lighter must be handed to you whether you request it or not.

Rule 2: If they ask for the lighter back you must give it back ( especially if it's to light a spliff).

Rule 3: Once the lighter has been jacked and the jackee sees it on another occasion they may not have it back as they have previously given up hope on ever finding it again (that's right the laws are getting biblical).

Rule 4: Don't get caught!
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