Monday, November 9, 2009

1 How to smoke in your room without getting caught

So for some reason either being parents, housemates or landlords you need to hide the fact that you are smoking pot in your room.

This is how to go about it in a fool proof plan.

- If you have an air conditioned room, turn the air con off as it will circulate the air and blow the smell around and it will inevitably escape.

- Secondly the doors should be locked and windows open. Make sure the window does not face a public area where the weed smell can attract passers by.

- The best room to use would be a bathroom as the smell will not stick to tiles, rather than a carpeted room which will hold the smell for longer.

- Next plug a towel on the crack at the bottom of the door so the weed smoke dosn't seep out through it.

- If you are not blowing the weed smoke directly out of the window, aim a fan out of the window and blow towards it so the suction of the back of the fan guides the pot smoke out of the window.

- Light some scented candles/incense near the door just for precautions and an alibi to the pot smoke just in case anyone comes in and asks about the curious smell. It also masks the marijuana smell and freshens the room.

- Keep air freshener by you for 'emergencies'

- Sit back and enjoy your smoke!

NOTE: Whether smoking inside or outside, take your jacket and if its warm enough your t-shirt off as the cannabis smell sticks to your clothes.

Friday, October 30, 2009

0 The Dragon Bong

This is a dragon bong purely because it is shaped like a dragon.

Making one is a simple as attaching four home-made bongs together and making sure it's air tight.

They are pretty cool.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

0 Setup for growing weed

So now you have all the necessary gear to grow some marijuana let's set up the grow space.

Clean the space out completely. Vacuum up all the dust and wipe down the walls and ceiling and get OCD about it. The room must be really hygienic for the plants.

Paint all the walls and floor white. Make it even, this is for reflection of the light around the room giving the effect of the sun. Do not use foil as crinkled foil can concentrate heat onto plants and produce burn spots on them.

Venting setup depending if you are using a room or a cupboard a whole must be cut somewhere for venting the air for circulation and smell.
The most important thing to remember when venting your grow room is to keep it secretive by disguising it and covering the smell with a carbon filter or ionizer depending on the size of your grow.
If you are venting out of a window, keep the window cracked open (not enough to be broken into) close the curtains as you are venting behind the curtains and don't want people to see whats behind the curtains. Board up the window from the inside and cut a vent hole to lead the vent through. This shoul all be as air tight as possible so not to let the smell out.

Lighting should be hung by chains that can be altered in hight as later on this will be the case. Th lights should be suspended about a foot from the seedlings to begin with so start them off low. They should be stated on the time switch 18 hours on 6 hours off a day.

Next bring in you hydroponic tank or your pots of compost. Place the oscilating fan in front of them, this should be set on a time switch to blow at 3 hour intervals for 3 hours, this is to strengthen the plants.

A watering system is up to you if you have a compost grow, work it out yourself, the plants should only be watered every few days when they are small.

Plant the newly germinated seedlings and we are growing weed!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

0 Cool things to do when you are high

So your baked out of your mind after having a fat bong, spliff or blunt smoking session and you are wondering how can i entertain myself. This is how you discover your own personal smoking pastimes.

Firstly Sitting around in front of the tv watching boring reruns will leave you down and stoned rather than high. Unless you are watching an intense film which is worth getting high for, most things that involve slouching on a couch/beanbag just lead you down or to sleep.


Every stoner likes to munch! So here's anther cool trick after you've had a phatt smoke; Head to the kitchen.
Don't just jump on the standard crisps, chips and chocolate but get inventive and create something exotic because most things taste good when you stoned.
Banana and peanut butter was a great discovery.


Next is any activity that's cool but dosn't require too much effort like bowling/shooting as opposed to paintballing (i don't like being shot when i am high) although lazer tag is very debatable, it's a lot of fun high if you have the energy.
Poker is the ultimate game to play when high as you are relaxed and cool, you make cool calls. But don't get too cool or overheated otherwise you've lost. Board/bored games are fun with some chillin music in the background and you can include spliff and bong hits in the game somehow . . .

Messing about

After a few bong hits of some cool weed another trick i like to do is just find shit around which ever room in who evers house i'm in and just mess about with it till i realise how baked i am.


MUSIC! is for chilling and can be played through any activity mentioned above, no need to go into this. You just have so much more appreciation for music when you are high.

Computer games

The ultimate passtime to do while smoking weed is to play computer games. Naturally games consoles are first choice as they are the easiset to interact with, especially the Wii. So you can play Fifa or Nba for bong hits or whatever. Then there are onlie computer games which are brilliant for when you are high.
I will post some suggestion sites soon.


Saturday, October 17, 2009

0 How to grow marijuana indoors: Getting started

The first requirement of one wanting to grow cannabis indoors is to find a spot. Meaning a spot that dosn't arouse any attention at all. Attics, basements, spare bedrooms and wardrobes are the most common unless you are on a warehouse level of growing weed.

Secondly as soon as one person knows, the whole world knows and your pretty much screwed.

Right, now that we are serious about growing lets set a set up budget, i will let you do your own research on the prices and space sizes but you will need:

For compost pot grow

1. A 400-600 watt grow lamp depending on the space size.

2. A mixture of 50% compost 50% pearlite and pots for the plants.

3. An oscillating fan.

4. A 24 hour timer with a contactor (high power switch).

5. A pH tester.

6. Nutrients for cultivation of cannabis.

7. White paint for reflective walls in the grow space.

8. Ventilation system depending on the size of your grow.

9. An air ionizer to cover the smell or a carbon filter (they stink of weed surprisingly)

For hydroponics grow

1. A 400-600 watt grow lamp depending on the space size.

2. NFT tank with pump and spreader matt.

3. Rockwool cubes

4. An oscillating fan.

5. A 24 hour timer with a contactor (high power switch).

6. A pH tester.

7. Nutrients for cultivation of cannabis.

8. White paint for reflective walls in the grow space.

9. Ventilation system depending on the size of your grow.

10. An air ionizer to cover the smell or a carbon filter (they stink of weed surprisingly)

When buying the gear, do not buy it all from one place as it may look suspicious and do not use a credit card as your personal information can lead back to your address.

Finally seeds. Unless you have been collecting them out of your dealers baggies then go ahead and invest in some nice femenized seeds i suggest Amsterdammarijuanaseeds as they are the leaders in the marijuana seed game, ship internationally and give you free seeds!

It's a tricky business if you have collected seeds as you will have to separate the males from the females as early as possible which is a pain because the males could ruin your whole grow which i will delve into later.

Once you have the seeds it's time to germinate them. Try not to touch them with bare hands as this may taint them. To germinate the seeds all you need to do is place them in a damp tissue or some cotton wool and leave them in a dark warm place (near a radiator) for a couple of days until they are sprouting, now it's time to plant your weed seeds.

Friday, October 16, 2009

0 Bongs, Pipes & Vaporizers

Find all your toking tools here. Vaporisers for those of you who want a perfect hit, bongs for those of you who like a long hit and pipes for the people that need a straight hit all of the highest quality weed smoking utensils.
Vapir One v3.0 Vapir Vaporizer




0 Weed Grinders

Take pride in grinding up your weed, whether you want it turned into a fine powder or you like to collect the kief (crystals) or you just just want a novelty grinder, we have top quality grinders available for you to mash up that bud.




0 Weed Tea: Potent

You will need:

- 1 gram of strong weed per cup (tea cup)
- Stove kettle (and stove)
- sugar to taste


Fill the kettle with the right weed/water ratio.
Heat the kettle on the stove/hob until boiling, continue boiling for 5 minutes.
Let it sit and brew for a few minutes so the flavours and THC brew into the water.

Serve with sugar and milk to taste, sit back and relax with a nice CUPPA!

-No stalk, stalk is crap

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Thursday, October 15, 2009

0 How to make a gravity bong

Gravity bongs are one of the best ways to bong weed. They work using a vacuum and gravity. The water in the bottle leaks out the bottom of the bottle pulling air through the top of the bottle to replace the water except rather than air, the vacuum is sucking some ice weed with a lighter over it. :)

To make a gravity/bucket bong you will need:

- A 2 litre plastic bottle
- A bucket full of water
- Scissors/knife
- Foil
- Some ice weed!

- Start making your bong by cutting the bottom of the bottle off.

- Next make a bowl out of the foil by replacing the lid of the bottle with it and making a few holes in it.

- Take the foil piece while you fill the bong with water otherwise the water pressure will blow it off (with the weed). Immerse the bottle into the bucket of water (as shown in the diagram).

- Fill the foil with weed like you would a standard Roor bong.

- Place your foil bowl on top of the bottle.

- Hold your lighter over the weed in the bowl while slowly pulling the bottle out of the water and you will see a thick cloud of smoke pulling through.

- Only pull the bottle 3/4 of the way out soo as not to let all the smoke out of the bottom. (make a marking on the bottle if you are unsure)

- Remove the bowl from the top of the bottle bong and hit that shit!

Here is a video of how the bucket bong works:

0 How to roll a backroll joint

Also known as the backwards joint and the 'flipmode' it's fairly simple and the end product is like smoking without paper!

So make your marijuana and tobacco mixture like you would for a normal joint and a roach of course.

Then turn the rizla (paper) upside down so the gumi is facing down and on your side and crease it down the middle so you can pile that mixture into there.

Next roll it like a normal joint except when it comes to licking it the gumi will be on the inside, this is why you will like the outside where the gumi is, don't worry your saliva will penetrate the porous paper.

Then dry it by blowing on it or running a lighter along it, tear off the excess paper, twist the top and spark it!

This video will make more sense of rolling a backwards joint than i did. . . .

0 How to quit/give up smoking weed

Most smokers come to a point where they have had enough or are just overwhelmed and need a break.

Either way it is hard especially if you are smoking very heavily.


Taking a break
Psychologically you know that you'll be able to have a smoke after a date you set yourself wether it be a week or a year and the looking forward to this spurs you on a lot.

This is harder than taking a break. The method is to follow the advice i will give and you will soon forget about weed.

You are taking a break because weed is interfering with your life in some way.

Make sure you have prepared activity for your break whether it be a 2 month body building / weight loss program, a project due in at college/work a hobby or you just have the desire to stop smoking.

Obsess over the project and social life which brings me to rule number 2.

Rule 2
You will come to realize that a lot of your friends smoke and you will find it hard to hang out with them without smoking. They may be good people but you can not be with them while they are smoking as the temptation will break the weak-willed.

Although you have your project and are trying to keep busy and are socializing with non smokers you will still be bored and you didn't realize it but you were this bored when you smoked and that's why you will think about smoking at this time. Just watch TV, surf the net, exercise or whatever.

My personal method
I quit because i was smoking so much i didn't know what was going on in the world, i was failing at everything and i never got high because i always was high.

Side effects
Luckily non of the extreme paranoia or other side effects set in which can and do happen very often when you smoke a lot, yet another thing to put you off marijuana.
If you feel any long term effects setting in or people have told you that you show some of these effects then it's time for a break / permanaent break.

1. There is no final smoke
2. Excommunicate yourself from the stoner community
3. You will be bored
4. Cigarettes/shisha are ok

Hope this point you in the right direction and for more information Click Here!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

0 How to stash & hide your weed

We all have our secret hiding places for our weed at home but what about when you are out?

What happens if a cop stop and searches you? Or maybe someone tries to jack your stash or even a home search?!

The first issue of stashing your weed is if it's long term you want to keep it fresh.
There for the weed must be in a cool dry place in an air tight ziplock bag or a curing jar.
This will keep the marijuana fresh and help towards hiding the smell.

Secondly you must find a hiding place, this is the fun bit and should be left up to your imagination, just make sure it's somewhere that is not regularly visited/checked and somewhere where the smell will not seep out or over power other smells. (Basement, larder etc...)

This is a very useful innovation for stashing your bud in, you must have seen it before; the stash book, a hollowed out book which sits on your shelf with your weed hidden in it.

Other innovations which are just as useful to hide marijuana are these nifty tins which can sit in a cupboard surrounded by similar tins which also mask the smell of weed.

When out and about either in walking or in your car you must be even more clever about hiding your weed stash.
Apart from putting drugs up your butt crack :p or methods the cops are wise to of stashing weed down your pants or in your socks or secret coat pockets, Here are a few ingenious innovations to stash your weed on you and there is even a cigarette lighter to stash in your car!

I think this is the most i can legally give away, so enjoy!

0 Penis zong bong

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Monday, October 12, 2009

0 Ash Bomber

This game involves a joint / spliff and a stoner circle consisting of more than just yourself. Simple.

The joint gets passed around, one toke per person and who ever lets the ash drop is out. No more joint for them.

5's a crowd for this game.

0 How to make Fire Crackers with weed

These are made with peanut butter which apparently when mixed with the weed at high temperature unleashes the immense power of the THC in the weed.

They taste like shit but are very affective and get you extremely high.

You will need:

- Saltines / some sort of cracker
- Peanut butter
- Weed
- Foil
- Oven preheated to the highest temperature / 350 degrees.

The recipe for these peanut butter and weed fire crackers is simple:

Break the saltines in half, smear a nice amount of penis butter onto each half and then sprinkle 0.5 gram of weed on one half of each saltine you cover.

Like So . . .

Put the other half of the saltine on and wrap in foil so they dont burn in the oven, then whack em' in the oven for half an hour.

Let them cool a little.

Eat them whenever and where ever, one or two will get you extremely high and will last you hours longer than any smoking high!

By The Way: They taste like shit . . .Enjoy

Thursday, October 8, 2009

0 How to check the quality of weed

By now you should know the basics as in the difference between hash (solid), Schwag (pubic weed) and fat juicy buds of marijuana.

I will run through a quick way of how to tell if the weed is good and the first thing to do is to make sure it's not schwag.
This is pretty easy, schwag is like hay, dosn't have a strong cannabis smell and is full of seeds and stems.
It looks like this

Stay away from schwag it's a waste of time and is mostly used to make hash.


For quality weed you want to concentrate on thick skunky buds covered in orange hair and white crystals.

This picture is a good example of what to look for.


Good weed should be able to be smelled through the baggy and should fill the room with a skunk-like smell, a lot of people compare it to cat piss, my rule of thumb is; the sweeter the smell the better the taste, the stronger the smell the stronger the weed is. If the weed smells a little grassy it's been prematurely picked and won't smoke too well.


You should have light buds dry enough to crumble in a grinder but not too dry. Exposing cannabis to the air for too long will dry your bud out making the smoke harsh and the buds burn too quickly. When the bud is too wet/damp for whatever reason leave it on some paper/wood on the radiator so it gets dried out a little and the paper/wood absorbs excess juice.

How it smokes

When you take a clean blunt hit from the and you enjoy a thick, smooth, yellow, silky cloud in your mouth, the smoothness says it all. Good weed when inhaled should be as smooth as breathing and should just tickle your lungs a little.


How high are you? The more you smoke the more you'll notice the difference in types of weed, not just looks and tastes but different highs. I will leave it to you to decipher whether the weed is good or not once you have smoked it.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

0 Can mango make you higher?

You may have heard that eating a ripe mango 45 minutes before you smoke will intensify your high and like me you may be very skeptical as to how this would work. So i looked into it. .

The science behind it is this; Mango contains something called terpene Myrcene. This is the most prevalent terpene that is also found in cannabis. Therefore eating Mango an hour or so before having a toke should in theory increase the intensity of the high since Myrcene helps the THC pass the blood-brain barrier quicker.

The mango must be ripe and must be eaten at least 45 minutes prior to smoking.

After trying this it worked for 4 out of 5 of us, but the one who it failed for smokes way too much to tell the difference anyway.
The high lasted longer than usual and was very pleasant. This is definitely worth trying.
Enjoy . . .

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

0 How to roll a windmill joint

This is a real party piece but creating it is like a real arts and craft session.

You will need:

-A piece of thin A4 card
-A pair of scissors
-A lot of rizla (rolling paper)
-2 Cigarettes
-2 grams of spicy marijuana

1. Firstly cut out a D shape from the card, like it shows in the movie, then roll it into a joint shaped cone and seal with tape or rizla gumi.

2. Next, poke four holes into the side of the cone about an inch from the top, make sure the holes can fit a joint in snugly.

3. Cover the end of the cone in rizla, seal and twist, so now it looks like a huge joint.

4. Roll four joints, if you are not sure how use the tutorial provided on this site.

5. Put the joints in the four holes, poke an air hole somewhere between the spliffs and the mouth piece. The tutorial shows two extra pieces of card to be inserted, these are optional extensions.

6. Light those four bad boys and chunt that windmill.

This tutorial will make things a lot clearer . . .

Monday, October 5, 2009

0 How to roll a Spliff

Back to the basics on how to roll a spliff.

By no you should have some rizla (rolling paper), some roach paper, some tobacco (cigarette tobacco is the best), a grinder and some fine 'erb.

1. Roll a roach (pretty simple). This is done getting a piece of thin card about an inch by 2 inches and rolling it width wise.
This prevents the spliff hole closing, bits coming through into your mouth and prevents burning your lips.

2. Place the roach at which ever end of the joint you preffer, making sure the rizla is well balanced on a table or an open book.

3. Empty half the cigarette and grind .5 to a gram of weed and mix them. Choose your own ratio depending on how strong you want it. I'd suggest 50/50 if your new to it . . .

4. Pick up the rizla with the evenly laid mixture inside between both your thumbs and indexes at each end and begin rolling it into a joint shape, surely you have seen this done.

Then start to fold the edge closest to you over the mixture and into the other side using your thumbs.

after you have succesfuly folded it, 9 tries later lick the gumi strip which i should have mentioned earlier should be facing you and close her up as neatly as possible.

5. Finishing off. Burn any excess paper at the roach end then pack the joint down by either poking with a cig or tapping the roach end on the table.

Twist the top, put it in your mouth and light that bad boy!

This tutorial will cover it all:

Thursday, October 1, 2009

0 Portable Vaporizers & Self Lighting Pipes

Ok, i have just discovered the Solopipe and think it's one of the greatest stoner innovations ever.

No need for a lighter or anything, it just slips in your pocket like a mobile phone!

Just stick your weed in and smoke it! with one hand!

The Silver SoloPipeis the first self igniting pipe!

Goodbye Lighter

This brings me to the next touch of class, The Oxygen Mini O2 Handheld Portable Vaporizer.

For a hundred bucks you can own the greatest piece of 'on the go' pothead equipment. We all know the power of a vaporizer. Imagine having that power in your pocket in a pen sized capsule!

Think of the possibilities. You could smoke in public and no-one would be the wiser because they give off very fine smoke when you exhale. No messing about just a clean hit in you pocket.

Unfortunately they are not available in the UK, so i am having to ship one over. But this is one thing no stoner can be without.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

0 Improve and make your bong hit stronger

Here are a few methods i use to get a nicer, better hit outa' my bongy bong bong!

1. Unless you have an ice bong for a nice smooth chilling hit add crushed ice to the bong water and exhale a chilling cloud of smoke!

2. Use milk in the bong rather than water and you'll get a really thick hit, this is really good, trust me! But don't forget to wash it out straight away afterwards.

3. This is one my Russian friend showed me except he takes it to extremes. Use vodka instead of water and get a hit of the vodka fumes, this disperses the alcohol into your bloodstream quicker than drinking the vodka would. Except he downs the vodka afterwards! Nutter!

4. None diluted fruit juice instead of water will give you a tasty fruity hit, very nice . . . girls!

5. Fill your bong with hot water and the hit will shock your lungs less than an ice cold hit. It's like taking a drag of silk.

Have i missed anything?

Sunday, September 27, 2009

0 The most expensive bong in the world - Roor Excalibur

Standing at over 6 ft tall the Roor Excalibur took the HTCC 2009 Glass Cup Winner with ease.

Want one? You must be pretty minted to cough up £15,000 for this bad boy. The Roor Excalibur was commissioned for Cypress Hill whose pockets are deep enough to stump up to this monster.

Check out this sexy video of the Roor Excalibur . . .

0 Alternative nicknames for Marijuana

Everyday new nicknames are invented for marijuana, even i or you could come up with some very easily.

Let's start by sifting through the main ones:

-Mary Jane

I may have missed a few, thats not important because you can eventually work out when someone's talking about it they'll use a descriptive word like that above or one that will put a smile on your face. They are mainly used to keep the conversation private hoping any eaves droppers cannot comprehend what they are talking about.

These are nicknames and they are endless, so feel free to add your own as a comment:

-Sticky Cabbage
-Stinky Poo
-Hippie Lettuce
-The Nug
-The thug

Then there are nicknames descriptive of the type of ganj:

-Blues (blueberry)
-Purple (purple haze)
-Chron Chron (chronic)

These are off the top of my head but it just shows how easily one can manufacture a new name for weed.

Then my favourite are descriptive words for being high/mashed.

The trick is put 'ed' on the end of a word:

e.g I'm Mash'ED' ,I'm Tabl'ED' ,I'm radiator'ED' :) etc . . .

Feel free to add your own personal nicknames in the comment space

Friday, September 25, 2009

0 iPod Mayhem!

This is the best iPod smoking game ever.

Very simple game designed to test reaction time and musical knowledge.

A friend of mine came up with it while hotboxing his car. The game should be played in a car.

All you do is put the pod on shuffle and the first person to guess the song get the joint/bong.

They can continue to smoke until someone guesses the next song.

Simple and fun!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

0 Smoking Trick 12: How to smoke weed without a lighter

Sounds too good to be true?! Well the clue is it can only be done on a sunny day, so if you live somewhere where there is no sun then move to jamaica.

Set up your pipe/bong normally, get a magnifying glass and aim the concentrated sun ray at the weed while your friend starts toking.
It's a more natural way to smoke and as the guy mentions in the video provided it's like a vaporizer hit.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

0 How to make a vaporizer with a lightbulb

Vaporizers are expensive we all know. But they give a clean hit of weed and much better to smoke than bongs and joints.

You will need:

- Standard 100w lightbulb like the one in the picture
- A plastic straw
- A plastic drinks bottle lid
- A knife
- A lighter
- A screwdriver
- Some WEED!!!

1. Firstly slice the tip off the light bulb as shown in the picture below.

Scrape out the insides and remove the filament.

2. Heat up the screwdriver and pierce the lid twice so that there are two holes, big enough to fit the straw in but air tight round the straw.

3. Place the ganj in the bulb and seal the lid over the bulb opening.

4. Chop the straw in half and place one half in each hole. One is for taking the hit one is an air inlet.

The end product should look similar to this

5. Place the lighter flame under the bulb where the weed is and slowly heat it making sure not to burn the product. If it begins to burn shake it around a little. Do all this while simultaneously inhaling the barley visible but thin smoke of the thc.

Hopefully you'll get a good hit and become mashed.

0 How to make a Bong

The homemade bong is a basic of smoking weed. This is how to get a smoke in if you don't have rizla or a bong available.

You will need:

- A plastic bottle
- A bong head / a straw and foil
- A lighter (screwdriver is optional)
- Ganja!!!

The first step of making a homemade bong is to make the first hole about 2/5ths of the way up the bottle.
You do this by either burning a small hole with the lighter or heat up the screwdriver / thin metal untensil.
Make sure the hole is big enough to fit the bong head in but tight enough to make it as air tight as possible. If you make a mistake rectify is with bluetack, selotape or whatever is available.

Make another similar sized hole near the top of the bottle. This is your air hole.

Insert the bong head in the lower hole, if you lack a bong head you can fabricate one from foil and a straw.

Fill the bong with water just to cover the bottom of the bong head, fill the bong head with some kush and light that bad boy up!

Monday, September 21, 2009

0 Weed Smoking Trick 11: Blowback

Although this video is crappy quality and quite frankly a little gay, it perfectly portrays how to execute a blowback hit.

You will need:

- A joint
- A friend

How to blowback the joint:

Turn the spliff around and put it between your teeth so that the embers in your mouth and seal with your lips.

Blow lightly with the end of the joint in your friends mouth, and they will get a sick hit.

Try using a short joint with a girl/boy and score a free kiss.


Taking a drag and blowing back through kissing . . . ;). Very sensual

Taking a drag and transferring it through a pipe or something

. . .i'm too baked to finish this


0 Weed Smoking Trick 10: The harsh one!

I am yet to upload the video of this trick.

It's harsh as shit so it's for experienced smokers only but it gets you as high a shit.


Take a drag of a joint and when it comes to the inhaling part put the spliff towards or on your lips so that when you take a deep breathe through your mouth, you get a direct hit of joint.

Hold it in for a little while, exhale and chill out.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

0 The Pineapple Bong

Want to add a fruity twist to your smoke?!

This can be done with most solid fruit like apples, pears etc . . .

- Make a hole down into the fruit and a hole out the other side connecting to the original hole.

- Insert a joint or bong head full of skunk into the top hole, make sure it fits tightly.

- Insert a straw or pipe, or even a piece of carrot (as shown) into the other end.

- Light that shit up and start smoking!

- Enjoy the fruity goodness

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0 The Penny Game

To play the penny smoking game you will need:

- Some friends (not hard everybody likes weed)
- A glass
- Some Rizla / rolling paper
- Elastic Band
- A penny

Setting up the penny game:

- Cover the top of the glass with Rizla/tissue paper.

- Put the elastic band round the top of the glass covering the Rizla and making it as taught as possible.

- Stick the penny on top of the rizla.

How to play the penny smoking game:

- Pass the joint around, each person takes a drag then burns a hole in the paper,

- Whomever drops the penny loses and pays the forfeit. . .

- Think of a forfeit

Here is a video of how this ganja smoking game is played:

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

0 The gas mask bong

Titled: The bong squad, this is purely for use in times of war to create peace. This bong is one way to stay calm in times of panic. Don't forget to close your eyes before hitting this bad boy.

The gas mask bong is available for purchase from

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0 The Guitar Bong

This is one of the greatest and most noble inventors around. He has collaborated two of our times most ingenious inventions into one to create the ultimate gadget for simultaneously smoking and rocking out.

Legend . . .

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0 R2-D2 Bong

This is a must have for any star wars fan / bong user.

Just look at it, need i say more?!

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0 How to get weed out of your system

Drug test coming up? Or just want to cleanse your body of the green?

People often ask me how do you get marijuana out of your system?

Here are a few methods of how to pass a drug test.

There are loads of detox products on the market like RESCUE DETOX
I have no idea how good these products are or what side effects they have but the basic method of quickly ridding your body of THC molecules is to flush it out.

You do this by . . .

Drink lots and lots of water, at least 5 litres a day. Always have water on you. (this will lead to lots of toilet visits)

Drink fruit juices full of anti-oxidants, cranberry juice is very good.

Lots of cardio and sweaty exercises. Or sauna / steam room time and sweat it out.

This may take up to a week to be effective, otherwise use someone else's piss!

0 How to make weed stronger

Firstly if you are asking this question, you are smoking to much or not enough :p

This post will show you several tips and tricks to get higher off weed.

There is nothing you can do directly to the weed to make it stronger apart from naughty dealer methods like dip it.
But dealers dip it and spray it in all sorts of harmful shit, it is the worst thing you can do.
It can also be dusted with other drugs such as cocaine etc. I've even had weed dipped in elephant tranquilizer!

But safe methods of getting more out of your weed which i strongly suggest over the above methods are as follows:

Change the form in which you take it

- If you smoke it, try eating it in once of the lovely recipes provided on this blog. Although you may not think it, it is just as affective and a very pleasant high to eat.

- Smoke joints? try bongs. They are very affective as you're taking more of a direct hit.

- Smoke bongs? Try vaporizers. These are the daddy of smoking tools as you are smoking just the good stuff in the weed, leaving out all the bad side effects like cotton mouth, munchies etc. End result is a clean high.

Take a break

- If you are smoking too much, then you need a break to sobre up a bit, breathe some fresh air and see clearly for a few days, a week or even longer before your next smoke.


- If you have exhausted all the above options, there are THC extraction methods which will be made available on this site which obviously extracts the THC from the bud leaving you with a resin to take in what ever form you want. (It is extremely strong and will get you extremely high)

The gist of this article is to get all you pot smokers out there to experience a little variety, rather than get into habits of sitting around repeating the same scenario.

It's always fun trying new things with weed.


0 Smoking Trick 9: Eating the joint

This guy does the trick but on another level . . . he is crazy!

- The right way to pull off the eating the joint trick is to have a cig or joint lit, with about an inch or two left on it.

- Place the butt of your joint on your tongue and just curl your tongue backwards, catching the butt in the crease, then close your mouth over it.

- Do not swallow!

- It will not burn your tongue or mouth thanks to your saliva.

- Try not to breathe in while you have the joint in your mouth as you may inhale some ash!

- Practice with an unlit cigarette first if you don't feel confident.

This is a very impressive smoking trick.

0 How to make cannabutter

Cannabis butter recipe (cannabutter)


- A couple of ounces of bud
- A lb of butter / margarine
- Large cooking/crock pot
- Cheesecloth for straining
- Thick elastic bands
- A ladle
- Tupperware container for end product

1. Empty the butter and weed in to the crock pot.
2. Fill the rest of the pot with water leaving stirring space.
3. Leave the pot on the stove until boiling, after which put the lid on with a crack to simmer for a minimum of 5 hours. Do this with occasionally stirring with a wooden spatula.
4. Remove the pot and let it cool down (cold enough to handle)
5. Cover the Tupperware / storage box with the cheese cloth and secure it with the elastic band and pour the contents of the pot into it either using the ladle or a friend. Be sure to squeeze the cloth afterwards to get as much buttery goodness as possible.
6. Stick it in the freezer for 5 hours, then remove it and open it over the sink and empty it upside down to remove that covering slab of ice.
7. The put your greeny butter in a reasonable container, toast some scones, spread, eat, enjoy.

Now that you have successfully made cannabutter, store it in the fridge for future use.

Monday, September 7, 2009

0 Trick 8: Smoke Bubble

To blow a smoke bubble you will need:

- Joint/bong/hookah

- Anything bottle like with a ring (bottle with cut off ends)

- Bubbles in a bottle / mixture of 1 part washing up liquid 4 parts water


- Prepare the bottle of blowy thingy from bubbles in a bottle with the mixture, ready to blow a bubble.

- Take a drag of your smoking utensil (bong, spliff etc) and blow lightly but not too lightly into the ring/cut out bottle.

Hopefully you'll have smoke bubble.

Check out the vid of what it's meant to look like when doing the smoke bubble trick.

Blowing a smoke bubble trick!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

0 Books

Like to read or want to find out more about how to grow marijuana or cook with cannabis. The weed smoking tricks book shop has the best selling grow guides, pot recipe book and general books and stories on weed.




Reading High



Monday, August 31, 2009

0 Trick 7: The Bucket Bong / Gravity Bong

This smoking trick was always a favourite of mine.

What you need:

1 x bucket (three quarters full of water)
1 x empty plastic 2 litre bottle
1 x a knife/scissors
1 x foil/bong head
1 x lighter
1 x phatt bong hit of weed

How to perform a bucket bong hit:

- Cut the bottom off the bottle with your weapon of choice so that it can be immersed into the bucket of water.

- Depending on whether you chose foil or a bong head; Make a whole in the bottle lid so the head can fit in but still remain air tight or fit foil round the top of the bottle to act as a bong head and pierce a few holes in it, i find the foil is much easier.

- Submerse the bottle in the water most of but not all the way, then place your prepared head on top and while holding a lighter over the foil/bong head slowly lift the bottle out of the water most of but not all the way.

Remove the head and take a huge hit of weed and enjoy that shit!

Check out this simple gravity bong video tutorial!

0 Trick 6: Ballon Bong Hit

Bored of standard bong hits, blow backs etc . . .

Take a monster ballon bong hit!

How to do the balloon bong hit smoking trick:

- Fill your bong with some nice buds
- Hit it till it drops, then exhale the smoke into a ballon.

From this you'll get a power hit in much less time than a bong hit.

Just watch this video of a dude having a heavy ballon bong smoke hit!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

0 Weed Smoking Game 1: Taxi

To play the weed smoking game taxi is very simple and one of the most basic games out there. You may refer to it as something else, wherever you come from, but this is how it is commonly known.

- Firstly get a joint this size.

- Secondly form a circle

- The first person takes a hit of the joint, holds it in and passes the joint to the next person.

- One may only exhale once the joint makes it back round to them.

Each circuit completed the tokes increase by one so two hits are taken and held in etc . . .
If you exhale before the joint makes it back round to you, you're out! (can be turned into strip choker if every one is feeling naughty!)

The winner is the last one not to be choking and coughing all over the floor!

If you are playing strip choker the loser is who ever is butt naked!

Rules vary . . .


0 Trick 5: Smoke nose rings

Blowing smoke rings out of your nose requires patience and deep lungs.

Here is a tutorial on how to blow nose smoke rings:

- Take your drag of you blunt and close your mouth.

- Flex your nostrils

-You must hold your breathe for a while with the weed smoke in your mouth and slowly and very gently let the slightest bit of smoke out of your nose.

- Do this repeatedly adjusting the power of your exhaling until you see nose rings forming.

You will be holding your breathe for longer than usual and this trick will take practice and patience to master.

Check out this video of blowing nose smoke rings.

0 Trick 4: The French curl

Here is another really fun and effective smoking trick - The french curl

How to do a french curl:

- Take a drag of you spliff but do not inhale.

- Push your bottom lip out a little and begin the upside down waterfall by letting the smoke seep out of your mouth.

- While the smoke is rising out of your mouth inhale through your nose just like breathing.

(note: you cannot blow out your mouth and simultaneously inhale through your nose - this is impossible)

It's a very effective trick as my friend below will show you in this video tutorial of how to perform the french inhale/curl.

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0 Trick 3: How to Blow Smoke Rings

Blowing smoke rings is the most basic of weed smoking tricks and here is a tutorial on how.

Here is how to do smoke rings whether smoking a hookah, a joint or a cigarette.

-Firstly take a drag from your spliff, bong or whateer, you don't need to inhale but you can if you want.

-Slowly exhale so that the smoke starts to creep out through your mouth.

-While this is happening make a quick snap with your tongue by pushing it forward, and with a lot of practice this should eventually turn into a smoke ring!

Follow this video tutorial of how to blow smoke rings.

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