Wednesday, February 17, 2010

0 Rolling a joint with a dollar bill / £5 note

For beginner smokers out there struggling to roll a perfect spliff, good news!
This method works like a rolling machine that does all the work for you except you dont have to lug around an awkward rolling machine, you just whip a dollar bill out of your wallet.

How to roll a joint with a dollar bill:

1. Make your weed/tobacco mix.

2. Fold up about an inch of the end of your dollar bill. Depending on the size of your rolling paper either fold it length ways or width ways.

3. Fill that little crevis you made with the marijuana mix and begin rolling it into a joint shape.

4. Once you have the shape forming start to slide the paper in behind the mix and begin rolling it. If you follow the video posted here it will make sense how the dollar bill does all the work for you when rolling the joint.

5. Once the spliff has rolled itself, pull it out, lick it and stick it.

6. If nescacery roll a roach and stick it in the end.


Friday, February 5, 2010

0 What does 420 mean, and where does it originate?

The subject of where 420 originates from is quite controversial.

Myths & Rumors of 420 origins

- Some say that 420 is a police code for weed.
- Some people say that 420 is the number of chemicals found in marijuana but in reality it's around 100 less that that.
- There are also the rumors that 4:20 is tea time in Holland when everyone sparks up a doobie.

420 History

According to a High times article, the term 420 originated in 1971 at San Rafael High School. A gang of about 12 people called the Waldos used to meet up daily for a smoke. They would say 420 to each other which is the time they planned to meet up at the statue on campus of Louis Pasteur. This 'secret' code for getting high spread among the generation of people who must be pushing 60 by now.
When interviewed by high times they quoted "We did discover we could talk about getting high in front of our parents without them knowing by using the phrase 420." 


The pot heads favourite number 420, originally invented by the Waldos as a secret code for getting high has grown into an internationally recognised symbol for the great herb.
- The 20th of April 4/20 is now national weed day
- 420 magazine is one of the most popular pot smokers magazines in the world.
- Many people around the world try and keep up the tradition of sparking up some ganja at 4:20pm, daily.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

0 Weed Smoking Game: One Word Pass

We all know how to play puff puff pass or even Puff Puff Keep.

If you don't know by now you simply; take two tokes of your joint and pass it to the left, hold the smoke in until the joint makes it round the stoner circle back to you which is when you exhale and start again.

How to play one word pass

- The first person takes a drag of the spliff and says one word to start the story e.g '''once''
- Then while holding the smoke  in they will pass it to the next person who will take a toke of the joint and continue e.g ''upon''
- You may only exhale once the joint has been passed to you.
- This continues round the circle until there is only one person left holding the smoke in.

This weed smoking game is guaranteed to end in intense laughter (and coughing).

0 Weed Maps iPhone App Review

Cannabis cafes aren't too common unless you live in Los Angeles or Amsterdam.
But for those close to these marijuana havens this iPhone app 'weed maps' by shows you where you can get hold of some sweet sweet mary jane.

There are similar iphone apps available for the iPhone but this weed app is free!

A similar app called 'cannabis' by which is available from itunes for $2.99, not only finds you cafes but also medical marijuana prescribing doctors, marijuana related lawyers and much more . . .

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

0 Smoking Trick 13: The dragon

The dragon exhale or dragon trick is quite a cool weed smoking trick as you are blowing smoke out of all different directions thus making you look like a dragon.

So what you gotta do is take a toke of your preffered smoking device whether a spliff or bong it dosen't matter.

When you exhale the smoke close the front of your lips but leave the sides open so that smoke will come out, and blow the smoke out through the side of your mouth and both your nostrils.

Check it out:

Monday, February 1, 2010

1 Cone joint rolling with Rollmate

As an avid joint roller i like to think of joint rolling as an art  and have no need for this as do many of you.

But! i know so many people that just try and fail repeatedly trying to roll a perfect cone shaped spliff.

Well here is the answer and it comes in keyring form!

Available at Grasscity - Cick Here

How it works:

- You simply roll your paper around this steel keyring cone known as the Rollmate.
- Lick it and stick it.
- Now that you have a perfect cone roll a roach and use the steel joint rolling friend to poke the roach down to the end of the cone.
- By now you should have realised that the Rollmate doubles as a poker and you can simply poke your special herbal mix (Chronic & Blueberry) to fill the cone.
- Twist and smoke!

0 Mixing Flavoured Tobacco With Weed

This is an old favourite of mine. If you like to smoke weed and shisha and want a long, chilled smoking session, this is the one for you.

All you do is set up the hookah in the normal fashion but before you put the tobacco in the bowl mix the flavoured shisha tobacco with about a joints worth of marijuana and a little bit of honey (not too much, just enough to keep the mixture moist).

Other opinions recommend that you put the weed in first and the moist shisha tabaco on top so that the coal doesn't burn the weed directly but heats it gradually while cooking the tobacco. This will give you a nice flavoured hit with that ganja taste slowly being released throughout the session, so you don't burn all the weed up at once.

You get a fruity weed taste every hit for an hour long session . . .  Chilled . . .
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